Thread: Touya and Loz!

Mar 01, 2007 07:46

Who: Loz and Touya (Sakura too if she wishes)
What: Touya comforts Loz...Or something like that xD
When: After thisand this
Where: Loz's room, 1205
Rating: PG to PG-13...I think...I hope so xD

Touya placed down his pen and picked up his journal. He walked out his door and made his way to Loz's room. Touya couldn't understand why he was doing this. Maybe it was because Touya saw Loz as another version of Sakura, a helpless person who lost their mother and was emotionally troubled. Touya smiled slighty at that thought, he knew Sakura would've stepped on his foot if she knew that. It was resonable to worry about Sakura, after all she was his little sister and only he could make fun of her. But Loz, Loz was just a person he met through this book thing. It's the same feeling, Touya deduced, what did Yuki call it? "Sister complex?" Touya chuckled at that thought.

After 10 minutes or so of walking, Touya made it to the 12th floor and started searching around the door numbers. He saw 1205 and Loz's name written underneath it. Touya was about to knock when he heard some noises in there. Touya was a bit hesistant to knock but he decided to anyways. He told Loz he was coming to visit him, didn't he?

"Loz?" Touya said after knocking. He took a deep breathe as he was waiting for the door to open.

kinomoto touya, loz, kinomoto sakura

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