Who: Lana Luthor/Lang & Damon Salvatore
What: Damon tries to warn Lana to stay on the down-low to avoid Katherine.
When: Sunday evening.
Where: Lana's house.
Rating: PG for now.
[ As soon as it had come to his attention that Katherine was in the castle, there was one thing on Damon's mind -- to bury his activities. Wesley, that was already a lost cause, but Lana and Morgana ... He had a feeling Morgana was bright enough to keep her head down for a little while, but Lana. She was headstrong and stupid. She'd be the first one dead if Katherine decided she wanted to play one of her games.
So, he headed down into town promptly, pacing outside the front of Lana's house and knocking urgently on the door. After all, he still had some manners. ]