Who: Ted and Billy
What: JAILBREAK Haha no. Ted's just curious and stupid :|a What's new
When: Today!
Where: Peace Patrol's Jail
Rating: A for Amazing??? (C'mon guys, it's Ted. Really.)
When Ted had been skimming through the journal earlier, his eyes tripped onto a vaguely familiar name; Dr. Horrible was in jail. As he flipped through the pages to find out why, he rummaged through the scattered memories of the name in his brain. Kidnapping, huh? That certainly striked him as odd.
So after a bit more of searching through the book, he closed it and wandered around a bit, the bits of information about the jails he could find in a small amount of time coming together to eventually lead him in the direction of the jails themselves.
He came down, hands in pockets, feeling surprisingly at ease despite the situation. Perhaps it's because when he recalled the name "Doctor Horrible", horrible feelings pretty much completely failed to surface.
What also failed was Ted's memory when it came to what the man looked like.
Oh, Ted. Vigilant as always.