Wherever you call home.

Sep 20, 2011 19:17

Who: onemanshort, hotforhooker, someoneto_carry, fredless, mademyownpath, banditlegacy, and gottaknockhard
What: Kaylee makes a "family" dinner.
When: Backdated like a boss to Saturday, September 17
Where: SereniCrew Quarters
Rating: PG? Maybe 13 for language, depending on the topic.

It had taken a few hours to be sure everything was ready, but when six o'clock rolled around, the table was set for as fine a dinner as the Serenity Crew had ever sat down to. It might not have had the Shepherd's herbs, but it was real food, carefully prepared by someone who'd learned how to make the best out of even the most meager of supplies.

Tender potroast, mashed potatoes, plates piled high with different sorts of vegetables, and the fixings for salad were all set out in the center. And, back in the kitchen, a chocolate cake waited for anyone still hungry enough to make it to dessert (if they didn't sneak a taste of it first).

Beaming, Kaylee gestured to the display. "Well, there ain't any reason to wait. If you want somethin', dig on in."

[Thanks to notifs and various RL things on everyone's part, feel free to slow tag and threadjack like crazy. Prose or actionspam are more than welcome. Whatever floats your boat.]

zoe alleyne washburne, malcolm reynolds, john marston, winifred burkle, kaylee frye, spike spiegel

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