Sep 13, 2011 12:04
Who: Max Guevara, Lana Kane, Alaric Saltzman, Jo Harvelle, Oliver Queen, Mindy Macready, Claire Bennet, Damian Wayne, Neal Caffrey
Where: The Lux
When: ICE CREAM TIME (anytime from 10AM to 2AM tomorrow)
What: Jo leaves work late/late last night and realizes what the castle's deal might be. In the morning she figures she can help make the ice cream a bit more "social". Get it? Ice cream -- socials? Booths will have different sets of toppings. Tag/threadjack into a booth or make your own thread! You can even have your character BRING THEIR OWN TOPPINGS and make their own booth! ANYONE IS WELCOME. Jo will talk to everyone.
[The ice cream is oddly... well, castle-like is a bit broad, but Jo knows that when the castle gives you hallways lined with pies, you eat the pie. Now though, with so many different flavors of ice cream, she's thinking this could be an interesting way to get to know some complete strangers.
What better way to find out something new about a resident than discovering it in a bite of ice cream?
This morning, when Jo gets to the Lux she sets most the staff to cutting and preparing fresh fruits, chopped nuts, syrups, fudges, anything and everything that could possibly work with ice cream. If you want to put it on your ice cream and it's not there, it's just a wish or request from one of the staff members away.
Bowls and spoons stack up at the booths, tables and along the bar. It seems like every single bowl that was ever in the bar itself has been brought out for the event. It might be short notice, but Jo figures everyone is used to the castle throwing them curve balls. Preparing doesn't happen very often.]
max guevara,
lana kane,
alaric saltzman,
joanna beth 'jo' harvelle,
oliver queen {the green arrow},
mindy 'hit girl' macready,
claire bennet,
damian wayne,
neal caffrey