No Open Book

Sep 04, 2011 09:08

WHO Wesley Wyndam-Pryce and YOU (including Elektra, Gunn and Lilah)
WHAT Wesley's Headspace
WHERE Wesley's room at the Castle, 915
WHEN Anytime from Sept 2.
NOTES Wes lives in town so he won't be physically in the room much.
WARNINGS PG-13 Possible violence/darker themes/imagery.

Should anyone venture into Wes' room to investigate his headspace, they will find themselves inside a vast library. It has many floors and seems to stretch on endlessly and yet is twisted and winding enough in the stacks that it would be easy to lose one's way and have difficulty finding the entrance again. The library has a feel to it which would easily make those who know Wes wonder if this is what stepping into one of the Watcher's Council's archives is like.

Strangely, littered across the hardwood floorboards appear to be dried paint infant-sized hand- and foot-prints. If one should follow the trail, however, it won't lead to anywhere, just more stacks. On every wall is a sea of clocks. The sound of them quietly ticking every second away is a constant reminder of time moving forward throughout the library.

If anyone selects any book from any section, it will inevitably and instantly become one tome in particular: Reinhardt's Compendium. If the person attempts to read it, the pages will slowly seep blood through the pages and the text will morph into one phrase only - The Father Will Kill The Son. A baby's cry will be heard, close by. But if one searches, the source of the crying will not be found. Closing and replacing the tome back on the shelf will end the sound abruptly.

If visitors venture further into the library, they may find a woman, seated at a table, rocking a bundle in her arms. Her appearance will flicker eerily between Fred, Illyria and Lilah. Fred's countenance will linger the longest but the transformations will occur randomly and abruptly. It's an avatar and it will speak if spoken to. Upon closer inspection, one will see that the woman is cradling an empty blanket.

Even deeper into Wes' labryinthian library, one will hear a muffled scratching and banging. A muted voice will be crying out for help. Behind a secret wooden panel is a frightened young boy who has clearly been locked up in the cramped dark space against his will. It's bb!Wes and he will need your assistance being escorted out before...well, let's hope you'll both find the door before anything bad happens.

charles gunn, lilah morgan, elektra, wesley wyndam-pryce

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