Who: Harmony Kendall and Guests
What: Finding a body.
When: Early Sunday Afternoon
Where: A dark, secluded alley in the City.
Notes: There is a bit of journal use in here, but I didn't want to tl;dr on the journal comm.
Harmony wasn't having a good day. First, she felt sick. She had drank a lot with Cupid and it didn't make her drunk, like, at all. Instead she just had too much alcohol in her body and it made her want to puke. Second, she was so stressed about Angel or Angelus and everyone going out hunting for him or other vampires that she almost took down all of her reminder notes that told her she was a vampire just so that she didn't panic about getting staked herself. Of course, she didn't want to freak out when someone who knew her tried to talk to her about it, so she left them up.
Dr. Sweets office had been pretty busy lately so she couldn't just take the day off, but she was going to take a long lunch. She left around eleven that morning and just milled about the city, keeping her tired eyes hidden behind her super chic, trendy sunglasses. It was nice not burning to a crisp in the sun, but sometimes she missed the need to cling to the shadows so on her way back, she opted to duck into an alley, pressing close to the cool stone walls and enjoying the slight seclusion that it offered her.
Until she smelled blood.
It was unmistakeable as she halted in her steps. Not exactly a strong scent, but it was one that her enhanced sense of smell picked up easily. Her fists clenched up at her sides, shutting her eyes and hoping that this was just something that would be simple to explain. Maybe someone had been fighting and now they were nursing their wounds. They were nursing their wounds in the dark alley in the middle of the afternoon, on a Sunday. It might have explained why she didn't smell too much blood.
'Harmony, you can do this.' It was practically her mantra as she opened her eyes and moved toward the scent. The closer she got the easier it was to pick up on the other elements. It was human and there wasn't a lot of blood because there just wasn't a lot of blood. Her steps slowed once she could see the body, because she knew that it wasn't someone that needed help. It was a body. Harmony couldn't hear that unmistakeable thud of a heartbeat. There was no racing pulse that came with panic and trying to survive.
It was just silence.
Swallowing, she knew her own footsteps sounded far louder in her own head than they possibly could be in reality, but she didn't want anyone to come upon this and, God forbid, blame her for the disaster. If she kept things calm, maybe no one else would show up. Maybe she could take this poor girl and get her somewhere else. Do the right thing for her, and help catch whoever did this. It was still early for a Sunday, but there were people still milling about.
Kneeling down toward the body, she could see that her neck had been nearly ripped out. Most the blood from her body wasn't around her on the cobblestone of the alley and it certainly wasn't inside her body either. Harmony let her fingers brush over the girl's eyelids, closing them to that state of rest. It was such a small gesture, too small possibly considering the rest of the situation, but she didn't know what else to do.
A soft whine of sound came from Harmony as she tried to figure out what to do with the body. She couldn't leave it there. She was far enough down the alley that she wasn't sure anyone would just stumble onto her in there, but she also knew that the alley had two ends and that wasn't exactly ideal for keeping something protected. Dammit; why was the right thing so difficult to figure out.
Shutting her eyes, she rested her hand on the girls abdomen. It was so still, not that Harmony expected it to rise up from a breath, but it was just a soft reminder of how her own hand felt resting to her body.
'Okay. Think, Harmony. What would Angel do? Okay... Angel is the one that we all suspect so he'd say that he didn't do it. Right. So, what would Cordelia do? She would try to prove that it wasn't Angel. That it was someone else. She would... tell someone what she found and she'd try to make sure that they couldn't pin it on Angel.'
With her eyes open again, she frowned lightly down at the girl, "I'm sorry this is taking so long. I just don't want my friend to get in trouble for something he didn't do. I mean, it's not like you can just tell people that it wasn't him. That you didn't see his long coat or his fruity hair-gel..."
Just like that, as her words trailed off, she realized the perfect solution. She just needed to get someone here, to the body, to see if they could smell something that she couldn't. Her nose was so used to the alley right now. The blood, the body, the dank of mildew and mold in the corners. The soft hint of jasmine that was from her own hair products. She needed a new nose to come in and look for the right smells.
She needed... Oh.
"Great, I need to get Spike here." Exhaling, she didn't really know what he was up to, let alone if he even cared about Angel and his innocence. Considering how hot and cold the two of them (being Angel and Spike) were all the time, she wasn't really sure what to do. Her journal was tucked into her purse, so she just pulled out and moved to filter to Cordelia, to ask her what she should do.
"I think I need help. I found a body out here in the city, it's in the alley about four blocks from Dr. Sweets office. It's a brown haired girl, from the city, because she didn't have a journal on her and I don't recognize her from anything. I think she was working at one of the cafes. I just, she's been drained of blood and her neck isn't exactly a pretty picture. It looks like an animal just went to town. I think I need someone to come take a look at this body and I was thinking Spike, but I'm not sure if he'd even care."
Pausing, in her dictation to the filter, she wished Dick was there. She hated that so much of her day to day these days seemed to make her think about how he wasn't here. Frowning, she returned to the journal, glancing to the girl.
"Last night, Wes said something about the body being displayed... like a show, but this is just discarded. Just - I hope you get this soon. Just, show up or send someone."
Then she waited.