Not only is Harmony's room pink, but it was currently decorated with almost every single garment of clothing she owns. Nothing seemed to be appropriate for her to wear to Wesley's house-warming-thing. Which wasn't really the issue she was having. The problem was that normally, when she had these sort of conflicts about what to wear, Dick would have told her to not worry about it and that she looked fine.
It was just that Dick wasn't there anymore and she hadn't even taken the time to think about it until now, because now she was actually having to go to a party without someone going with her.
Either way, she still hadn't figured out what to wear and when a voice comes from behind her she flinched. Shutting her eyes she turned around and exhaled a sigh of relief, "You scared me!" Which, shouldn't normally happen. Vampire hearing. She was just a bit more distracted than usual.
Shaking her head, she glanced up at him, "Did you say you brought me something?"
"Sorry." He was still getting used to the whole interacting with mortals (well, technically immortal in her case but you get the idea) deal. It had yet to sink in that most humans (or vampires) didn't appreciate it when you popped in on them unannounced. But hey, that's what presents were for right? Here, Harmony, have a blue bunny flower arrangement made just for you. Alright, maybe not just for you, otherwise it would have been pink--but you were the first person who came to mind once he'd finished it.
"I took that advice you gave me about finding a new hobby, and the flower arranging suggestion someone else brought up a while back and ... well, ta-da. What do you think?"
At first glance, the arrangement is sort of chaotic. The bunny was sort of too big and it didn't really make sense, considering it wasn't Easter anymore. It was nice though and he seemed really pleased with it.
"It's a very lovely, and blue, arrangement. Why did you go with the... bunny?"
Her fingers moved to brush at the ears. After a moment she took it in her hands and set it onto the dresser. It gave her room the sudden look as if she had been expecting a girl baby her whole life and suddenly it was a boy.
"I thought it looked cute." No religious connotations here. The Easter arrangements that he came across looked the most decorative. Some had eggs and others had little chicks. He didn't really get the symbolism, but then he wasn't actually in this for the educational aspects so there was no loss there.
"I know pink probably would have been your first choice, to match your room and everything, but I didn't really consider that until I was already finished. Which, by the way--what's with all the clothes all over the place?"
Sighing, she moved to shove her foot against a pile of it as she made her way back to her bed to sit down on the edge. "I'm supposed to go to a house-warming party. For Wesley. I just don't know what to wear and people are going to be there, but not all of them are nice to me all the time and I'm just not sure if I really want to go or if I'm just saying I'll go to be nice."
"Wesley ... ohhh, right. That guy." Cupid still feels sort of bad about that whole mix-up now that he's heard the whole story and spoken with all parties involved. Well, unless you count Wesley.
"So what if some people you don't get along with are going to be there? They probably just haven't bothered getting to know you. Anyone who helps bring people together is worth knowing in my book. Besides, a party's a party, right?"
She stared at one of the skirts on the ground, contemplating it but not making an effort to go and grab it.
"It's not just that. I mean, I can handle people saying things about me. I did it all the time at work. I used to go with my friend, well, he was sort of more than a friend. He's gone though, he went home and this is the first time that I'm going to go to something and he won't be there with me."
Ah. That made a bit more sense. Say no more, Harmony. Cupid understands.
"In that case, don't go if you think it'll only bum you out. Just make sure that you don't make it habit. Even I can't help those who shut themselves off to others for too long."
Harmony frowned, "You don't think I'm closed off, do you?"
That would be just terrible. Harmony didn't want to become one of those old ladies with all of their pets. Though, she did have a dog and a pot-belly pig at the moment. Still, it wasn't like she meant to get pets. They found her. They needed her.
Harmony nodded, feeling slightly better about the way he had phrased that.
"Yeah, I like to help that way."
Except right now, she was more focused on herself and how she didn't want to go where people were already together.
"Even though they're all going to be together at Wesley's party... it still feels like we're not really together, I guess. We used to be a team. Well, at least when I'm from we are."
"It's mostly the coming here thing. I mean, everyone is from different times and not everyone is from the time where I was actually doing good things. Plus, there's nothing pulling all of them together. There's no Angel Investigations and no Wolfram and Hart either."
Shrugging, she moved to pick up some of the scattered clothing. "Not that this place actually needs an evil law firm."
Cupid looks confused. He has no idea what most of that stuff is, but he feels kind of bad that her friends are all treating her differently for whatever reason.
"Maybe you could come up with something that will bring them together again." She was good at that sort of thing, right? She'd been behind that love auction she told him about.
It was just that Dick wasn't there anymore and she hadn't even taken the time to think about it until now, because now she was actually having to go to a party without someone going with her.
Either way, she still hadn't figured out what to wear and when a voice comes from behind her she flinched. Shutting her eyes she turned around and exhaled a sigh of relief, "You scared me!" Which, shouldn't normally happen. Vampire hearing. She was just a bit more distracted than usual.
Shaking her head, she glanced up at him, "Did you say you brought me something?"
Presents > Danger. Clearly.
"I took that advice you gave me about finding a new hobby, and the flower arranging suggestion someone else brought up a while back and ... well, ta-da. What do you think?"
"It's a very lovely, and blue, arrangement. Why did you go with the... bunny?"
Her fingers moved to brush at the ears. After a moment she took it in her hands and set it onto the dresser. It gave her room the sudden look as if she had been expecting a girl baby her whole life and suddenly it was a boy.
"I know pink probably would have been your first choice, to match your room and everything, but I didn't really consider that until I was already finished. Which, by the way--what's with all the clothes all over the place?"
Sighing, she moved to shove her foot against a pile of it as she made her way back to her bed to sit down on the edge. "I'm supposed to go to a house-warming party. For Wesley. I just don't know what to wear and people are going to be there, but not all of them are nice to me all the time and I'm just not sure if I really want to go or if I'm just saying I'll go to be nice."
"So what if some people you don't get along with are going to be there? They probably just haven't bothered getting to know you. Anyone who helps bring people together is worth knowing in my book. Besides, a party's a party, right?"
She stared at one of the skirts on the ground, contemplating it but not making an effort to go and grab it.
"It's not just that. I mean, I can handle people saying things about me. I did it all the time at work. I used to go with my friend, well, he was sort of more than a friend. He's gone though, he went home and this is the first time that I'm going to go to something and he won't be there with me."
"In that case, don't go if you think it'll only bum you out. Just make sure that you don't make it habit. Even I can't help those who shut themselves off to others for too long."
That would be just terrible. Harmony didn't want to become one of those old ladies with all of their pets. Though, she did have a dog and a pot-belly pig at the moment. Still, it wasn't like she meant to get pets. They found her. They needed her.
Oh, maybe she was hopeless.
He wasn't trying to make this worse. Maybe he should have phrased it differently.
"From what I've seen, I'd say you bring people together."
"Yeah, I like to help that way."
Except right now, she was more focused on herself and how she didn't want to go where people were already together.
"Even though they're all going to be together at Wesley's party... it still feels like we're not really together, I guess. We used to be a team. Well, at least when I'm from we are."
Shrugging, she moved to pick up some of the scattered clothing. "Not that this place actually needs an evil law firm."
"Maybe you could come up with something that will bring them together again." She was good at that sort of thing, right? She'd been behind that love auction she told him about.
Which she was probably going to do. "I don't think I'm going to go to that party."
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