in the still of the night...

Apr 25, 2011 16:27

Who: Larry Paul, Lilah Morgan
When: during Lilah's stay at Caritas (in other words, backdated like mad)
Where: Caritas
What: Another lawyers in a bar joke here.
Rating: PG-13 at worse

.... )

larry paul, lilah morgan

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buryyoualive April 26 2011, 06:31:41 UTC
Lilah for the most part kept to herself during her stay here in Caritas. After all, she normally wouldn't be caught dead in this place (except for when she came to try to rile up Wesley), but considering it was a sanctuary and she didn't particularly feel like leaving herself around the castle as bait for Faith ( ... )


lawyerlarry April 26 2011, 23:05:03 UTC
Larry was aware that things were going on with Lorne's people, but it wasn't his place to ask about it and he didn't plan to. It wasn't that he didn't care, because he did. A lot. Especially because whatever was going on involved Fred too.

So that week he had been watching people come and go and keeping quiet. At that moment he hadn't even noticed the woman come through the bar or even walk over to him. When she spoke he jumped slightly and glanced up. He had seen her around both Caritas and the castle before.

He smirked at her words. "Pity, I was aiming for three-fourths bad."


buryyoualive April 27 2011, 04:22:02 UTC
Lilah was hardly one of Lorne's people, and she would probably be rather disturbed to be lumped in with the rest of them. She was just here because she didn't want to get attacked by a disturbed Slayer. As soon as things were safe, she'd be back to the Castle.

But still, she laughed a little at his words. "I guess you'll have to try harder, then."


lawyerlarry April 29 2011, 01:11:56 UTC
He pulled his fingers from the piano and turned on the bench a bit to face her more. "Sage advice. I'll get on that."

He left a dramatic pause, before placing his fingers to his chin. " wouldn't happen to be stealing that alcohol, would you?"


buryyoualive April 29 2011, 02:29:43 UTC
"Me?" She asked in a dramatic sort of voice, a smug grin on her lips. "I wouldn't dream of it." And to be fair, she wasn't. Well, she wasn't paying for it either. She was putting it all on Wesley's tab. That's what he got for dumping her and making her stay here.


lawyerlarry April 29 2011, 03:07:00 UTC
He raised a brow, but there was still a smirk on his lips. "No, of course not. You seem very honest to me." No, he couldn't tell one way or the other, but he was definitely working on reading her.

"That bad of a day?"


buryyoualive April 29 2011, 03:26:12 UTC
"Do I?" She couldn't help but be inwardly amused at that statement. People could call her many, many things, but honest generally wouldn't be one of them.

At his question, she merely shrugged her shoulders. "It's been a bit of a week." Between her not-boyfriend dumping her after kissing another woman and a psycho slayer on the loose who might want to kill her, things haven't been going particularly well for Lilah. And here she didn't even have her work to throw herself into.


lawyerlarry April 29 2011, 03:33:00 UTC
"Not especially, it just seemed like the charming thing to say," he replied with a shrug. He knew quite well that no one was truly honest.

"That seems to happen around here, doesn't it?" He couldn't say much about psycho slayers or the like, but he wasn't having the best week himself. Which explained the depressing music and scotch. It's just how he rolls.


buryyoualive April 29 2011, 05:05:07 UTC
"It certainly seems to be on the common side of things," She mused, taking a sip of her drink now. "Never a dull moment around this place, is there?"


lawyerlarry April 29 2011, 15:38:50 UTC
"But if there were we'd probably be a lot more bored and causing all kinds of trouble on our own." He paused. "More than people already do, of course."


buryyoualive April 30 2011, 01:57:17 UTC
"Of course," She grinned agreement. "What's that old saying? Idle hands are a devil's playthings. If the place itself didn't cause chaos, then the people within it would."


lawyerlarry April 30 2011, 02:10:51 UTC
He nodded. "At least we'd still have something to complain about then."


buryyoualive April 30 2011, 03:26:10 UTC
"Luckily. Who knows what people might do if they had nothing to complain about," She mused thoughtfully.


lawyerlarry April 30 2011, 04:08:17 UTC
"Probably start offing one another," he said with a shrug. He stood up and offered his hand. "Larry Paul."


buryyoualive April 30 2011, 05:13:54 UTC
She took his hand, giving it a firm shake. "Lilah Morgan."


lawyerlarry April 30 2011, 15:56:49 UTC
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm guessing you're staying here this week?"

His hand dropped as he picked up his scotch and took a sip from it.


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