Who: York and Delta
encryptedlock, Kat B-320
inmylight_comdr, Washington
dontpatr0nizeme, Eva
darkevangel, and open to anyone else in Mineas Well (Ken, Flora, Rin?? Just add your tags in)
What: Vacation
When: 3/22 through about 3/31
Where: Outside the castle, on the way to Mineas Well, Mineas Well, and back
Rating: Let's say PG-13 for language
[It all started with the preparations, but before long York had double-checked everything, made sure Delta was in his Tamagotchi with redundant crystal power, and everything was packed onto the back of the Warthog where he'd temporarily removed the turret. Heaven help them if they should need that on this trip, though he was packing small arms for testing out in the Dead Zone.
Pity one of those crystals couldn't power a plasma pistol, but the energy expenditure was just too much.]
((ooc: So there are different threads for different parts of the trip. Feel free to tag in or start a new one anywhere! Just follow the format of the first one.))