Two bottles of wine

Feb 25, 2011 22:43

Who: Crowley and Aziraphale
What: Monthly Drinking Session
When: Friday 25th February
Where: Closed For Refurbishment
Rating: PG

Crowley had spent a large part of his afternoon rescuing all the alcohol from the Nines. Honestly, some kid has a little fit and the whole floor's set ablaze, stupid bloody residents. He'd also decided to reward himself for his good deeds by bringing along a couple of bottles of wine and a nice scotch along with him to the bookshop for his and Aziraphale's monthly drinking session1. It's what Barney would have wanted.

The demon's wounds from his run-in with 01 had for the most part healed. The faintest of scars running along his cheek to the bridge of his nose was the only thing that gave away that something had happened there. He was vainly hoping the angel wouldn't notice.

He let himself in as always, regardless of the closed sign pressed against the window. He wandered over to the back room, putting his alcoholic treasures on the table, before lounging into 'his' seat, his feet soon joining the bottles on the table's surface.

1 - Neither of them had openly agreed or even discussed this becoming a monthly arrangement. They didn't really have to, getting blotto was a common occurrence for them anyway, should Crowley show up on a particular day on a regular interval, well, that was just common sense, wasn't it?

aziraphale, a.j. crowley

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