"I just want to be myself...myself..."

Feb 12, 2011 11:50

Who: Larry Paul, Sophie Devereaux
When: last night
Where: Sophie's room
What: From puppy to man! ....naked man
Rating: PG

Larry: [the subtle change from dog back to man is subtle. There is a puppy asleep at the foot of Sophie's bed one minute, and the next there's a Larry. Curled up. ....naked. And he's slightly uncomfortable. He scratches behind his ear as he shifts and...starts to wake up. He's confused because this doesn't look like his room. And there's someone sleeping in the bed. And he has no idea how he got here. And...he's naked? A holy shit moment occurs and he jumps up quickly, grabbing onto the comforter to wrap around his waist]

Sophie: [grumbles and is not awake, but aware enough to know her comforter was gone, so she grips the material and yanks back, looking to cover herself again.  Drafty castle is drafty.]

Larry: [and a less than manly yelp as he realizes it's Sophie in the bed and he uses his hands to cover himself before he looks quickly for something larger to shield himself]

Sophie: [snuggles back into the covers some more, completely oblivious.]

Larry: [and as it occurs to him to ask the castle for some pants, he trips over something and falls to the floor with a crash, grabbing onto the bedsheets to catch his fall.]

Sophie: [well that wakes her up.  she snaps awake, and ... ] GET OUT OF HERE, YOU WANKER!  [grabs one of the bedside lamps to use as a weapon] You think you can just bloody wander around naked in people's rooms?!

Larry: [is now trying to escape the wrath of Sophie and her weapon of choice while trying to still cover up] MY GOD, WOMAN!! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW I GOT HERE!!

Sophie: Oh, right, just use the whole amnesia excuse.  Like that ever works.  [then there's a beat as she realizes who she's yelling at, and blinks] ... Larry?

Larry: Can I PLEASE have your blanket?!

Sophie: Oh!  Right. [tosses the blanket at him, while she goes for her own robe because ... well, this is her nightgown.  It was different when he was a puppy]

Larry: [well he's a gentleman, so he'll divert his eyes while finally wrapping himself up. Of course the last thing he remembers, she got knocked out and he was waiting for her to wake up.] When...did you wake up?

Sophie: Five minutes ago when you fell off the bed.  You were there.  There was the screaming, and I had the lamp ...

Larry: I feel like I'm missing a punchline. [looks over at her when he thinks it's safe] Yesterday I visited you in the clinic and now...I'm here. [confused Larry is so very confused. and he may still have a trace of the puppy eyes]

Sophie: Clinic? [there's a beat as she processes it] Larry, you've been a puppy for weeks.

Larry: [give him a moment. he's blinking. sometimes it helps his brain function better...]

Sophie: I woke up from my trip home, and you had four legs and a tail.

Larry: You know...if we drank too much and did something you regret...you can tell me. [it's dry and a joke, but...it's how he deals] Just leave out the part of it being terrible.

Sophie: [a look] I'm being serious, Larry.  You were on a loss.

Larry: ... As a puppy. For how long exactly?

Sophie: A month?  Give or take?

Larry: [he doesn't have a joke for that, or...any response. A month? He just blanked out on a whole month? Because Castle Crazy made him a puppy.... Now he'll close his eyes and slowly count to ten]

Sophie: [will just ... wait.  For him to come around]

Larry: [hope you don't mind, Soph, but he's going to sit on the edge of the bed now. he rubs his face]

Sophie: .... Are you sure you don't remember?  Not at all?

Larry: [shakes his head slowly] Being a puppy? No, I don't.

Sophie: [considers that for a moment] I suppose there are worse consequences for a loss.

Larry: Was I....here the whole time?

Sophie: In the tower?  Mmmm.  You were in the clinic when I woke up, so I assumed it would be best if you just ... stayed with me.

Larry: [watches her closely] ...how long were you home?

Sophie: Oh ... about a year.

Larry: [and while he's still all confused from his loss, he can't not be concerned for her too] That's a long time.

Sophie: [shrugs] It was an interesting year, to say the least.

Larry: Are you okay?

Sophie: [waves a hand] We took down the bad guy to end all bad guys.  I can't say I'm complaining.

Larry: ...you know, hold that thought. Would you mind...turning around for a minute? [because if they're really going to play catch up....he wouldn't mind being dressed.]

Sophie: [nods and turns, as requested]

Larry: [addresses the castle] As funny as I find you, Castle, can I have some clothes? [and there's some rustling and after a bit he sits down again, now wearing jeans and a t-shirt] Alright, it's safe.

Sophie: [turns back around again, with a small smile] Better.

Larry: [looks at her. it doesn't feel like it's been a month since he's seen her, and technically...it hasn't been.  He has no reason to have missed her, but...he kinda has.]

Sophie: [looks back, waiting for him to say something]

Larry: I was worried about you. Before....the puppy thing.

Sophie: [waves a hand again] Just a bump on the head.  I've had worse.

Larry: How's your friend?

Sophie: Which one?

Larry: Hardison. The one that had the accident with you.

Sophie: Oh!  He's ... still unconscious.

Larry: [raises a brow] Is that normal?

Sophie: No, but neither is being a puppy for a month.

Larry: [a smirk]

Sophie: [smirks back] You should let your friends know you're back to being you again.  They were worried about you.

Larry: [eyes close] Shit. I was supposed to go see Fred. [a sigh as he makes a note to talk to people] What else did I miss?

Sophie: .... A lot.  But nothing you should worry about.

Larry: That doesn't exactly put me at ease.

Sophie: One of the residents of the castle was possessed.  Some people were killed.

Larry: [slowly thinks that over and shakes his head.] This place... [he wants to know more, but at the same time he's already got a lot to process. He'll look into it later, and likely worry when he realizes it was Lois. For now, he will sigh]

Sophie: [nods as she goes to sit next to him]

Larry: [a soft shoulder bump] Thanks for taking care of me. Who knows who I could have gotten stuck with.

Sophie: [small smile] It was no trouble.  Really.

Larry: [looks at her] I'm sorry for the rude awakening, too.

Sophie: It happens.  If it wasn't you, I'm sure it would have been something else.

Larry: If it were some other naked man, I might have to be jealous.

Sophie: [smirks] Lucky you, then

Larry: That has yet to be determined.

Sophie: Oh?  Not many men get into my bedroom, Mr. Paul.

Larry: [chuckles] Hardly what I meant, Ms. Devereaux.

Sophie: So what did you mean?

Larry: My luck.

Sophie: I'm not following you.

Larry: I'm only saying my luck hasn't been determined yet.

Sophie: I see.

Larry: [meets her eyes with a small smile] You may have noticed luck isn't always on my side.

Sophie: I think you're a bit more lucky than you think.

Larry: Am I?

Sophie: Mmm-hmmm.

Larry: Would that be the being a dog for a month?

Sophie: That would be the being a dog for a month had you spending a large amount of time with a beautiful woman.

Larry: Hmm...I would consider it unlucky that I remember nothing of the month with the beautiful woman.

Sophie: You know, Larry, you'd be much better off if you were a glass-half-full type.

Larry: [can't help it...he just laughs]

Sophie: [smirks]

Larry: [teasing] So was I better company as a dog?

Sophie: I never said that.

Larry: That, Ms. Devereaux, was humor.

Sophie: I'm aware.

Larry: [glances at where he woke up, then back to her] Did I sleep with you every night?

Sophie: Not every night.

Larry: Often enough?

Sophie: Don't go digging for what you can't remember.

Larry: And did you scratch me behind the ears?

Sophie: [eyebrow raise] Is there a point to this?

Larry: [smirk] Just that maybe I was luckier than originally thought.

Sophie: That's for me to know, and you to wonder.

Larry: And I will.

Sophie: [smirks]  Well.  You should get to your friends.

Larry: I should. And I feel like I need to take a very long shower.

Sophie: [nods] Maybe I'll see you later.

Larry: [a nod] I owe you coffee or food sometime.

Sophie: Sounds good.

Larry: [leans in and presses a kiss to the side of her head lightly. And even though he already said it, he'll say it again, gentler] Thank you for looking out for me.

Sophie: [finds his hand and gives it a squeeze] Anytime.

Larry: [squeezes back then gets to his feet] Get back to sleep.

Sophie: I will.

Larry: [goes for the door to let himself out] Night, Sophie.

Sophie: Goodnight, Larry.

larry paul, sophie devereaux

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