My word is my will

Feb 04, 2011 01:37

Who: Integra and Legato
When: February 3rd
What: Eris starts to have an effect on both
Where: The gym
Rating: Creeper? Idk...

Since the moment she had become Sir Hellsing and taken charge of the organisation and a monster in one fell swoop, Integra had never been anything less than completely self-assured. She had to be -- uncertainty could lead to deaths, and even the slightest trace of self-doubt was exploited mercilessly by Alucard and his infuriating ability to get under her skin.

That said, she was still human. She was still a mortal woman who had unsurities and fears, she merely knew how to control and dismiss them. Yet somehow that seemed less so now. Somehow no matter what she did, she could not banish the niggling questioning of her own decisions and abilities. So much rode on her orders and her iron will, yet she was not foolish enough to believe she was the first to profess she would not give in.

The others had. Perhaps she would too.

She had not been able to keep proper control of Alucard since she arrived, his behaviour unpredictable and jarring with his amnesia. She could not be sure she had been making the right decisions, she could not say with certainty to her actions were definitely taking them towards freedom from this prison.

Angry at herself for this weakness of self-doubt, she had decided to hone her more physical skills to take her mind from the endless questioning. Ordering the gymnasium to become a suitable place for sword training, she was running through some of the more advanced fencing moves.

Alone, where the silence was only broken by her own footfalls and heavy breathing, surely she could cast aside this idiotic neurosis back where it belonged. She was no wilting flower to question her every move. She was a Hellsing, she was Sir Hellsing.

legato bluesummers, sir integra fairbrook wingates hellsing

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