Who: Fujin, Leroy, message to join.
What: Fujin wakes up in a strange place...and naturally, takes someone at knife point for interrogation.
When: Late morning (0900 hours)
Where: Fujin's room
Rating: PG, I guess?
Fujin may not have always been in the best of moods, but she liked to think she was not unreasonable when it came to her temper. Usually it took someone doing something stupid, or insulting her, or disobeying an order, or...well the causes weren't important, what was important is that she didn't get upset without good reason (in her mind, at least). Waking up in a strange bed inside an expensive looking room that she'd never seen before and didn't remember entering? That was one way to get her blood boiling real quick. She sat bolt upright in the bed, and breathed a sigh of relief that she was at least dressed...there would have been untold amounts of hell to pay had that not been the case. Her missile blade was resting on the bed near her, evidently it had been in her hand whenever she was drugged and brought into the room (which was precisely what she would assume happened until someone could prove otherwise, far be it from her to assume she was knocked out in battle). It was hastily snatched up, and Fujin stalked the room, searching every nook, cranny, closet, and cabinet for anyone or anything suspicious. More accurately, anyone or anything she could beat answers out of.
When she found nothing, save for some black book on a desk, she began to regain her composure and try to formulate some sort of plan for escaping...until, that is, she heard footsteps in the hallway outside. And they were getting louder. Weapon in hand, she quietly crept toward the door, listening carefully for the approaching target...and once the timing was right, she flung open the door, reached out into the hallway with her left arm, grabbed the stranger by the back of his shirt, and yanked him into her room; she kicked the doorway shut with her foot, and brought one of the curved blades of
her weapon against the stranger's throat and shifted her grip with her left hand to pull his head back. All in all, basically par for the course for the one-eyed young woman's social skills.
"SITUATION, UNFAMILIAR," she tersely declared, at a volume loud enough that just a few more decibels might make it a full yell. "EXPLANATION, DEMANDED."