(no subject)

Dec 20, 2010 19:12

Who: Jo Harvelle and Robert Chase
What: Jo eats strawberry. Jo and Chase kiss. Chase goes into anaphylactic shock. Chase goes into canon update land...
When: Monday around 11:30AM
Where: Jo & Chase's shared living/front room area.
Rating: PG-13

Jo had no intention of staying longer than five minutes. Five minutes and she'd grab her other jacket and be out the door. Five minutes and she'd be back in time to help Eliot stop baking pies. She wanted one and ended up with damn near a dozen of them getting prepped in the back kitchen of the Lux.

Even now, the last strawberry she'd stolen was being popped into her mouth as she headed down the hallway. Five minutes. That was the goal.

Well, the goal had been to get to work early and help out, but now he wanted to give the extra pies to the townspeople, which meant Jo was going to need her jacket. Walking into the room she saw Chase seated on the couch and she instantly put her finger up into the air.

"Seriously, no talking. I need my jacket then I need to get back to the Lux before Eliot bakes himself into a corner."

She kept her eyes on the prize as she walked, heading down the hall to her room. She opened the door to her room open and she nearly got nailed in the face by a bird flapping out.

This was not going to take five minutes.

"Chase? Did you trap a bird in my room?"

joanna beth 'jo' harvelle, dr. robert chase

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