
Nov 20, 2010 23:45

Who: lessmanmoreiron & boltalicious
What: Illuminati hang out!
When: Today.
Where: Castle Roof
Rating: G!

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tony stark 2.0, black bolt

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boltalicious November 21 2010, 08:52:25 UTC
Black Bolt listened carefully, watching where under other circumstances he knew Tony's face would have been. Habit, he realized, but there seemed little point in breaking it. There was nowhere better to look, after all. The answers were both reassuring and disconcerting in an odd blend; the stolen suits operated with battery power. It meant they might very well come to a face-off in the Dead Zone, which would find Black Bolt next to useless. And at the same time, with such a single glaring weakness, the task looked considerably easier.

The similarities between Tony and this copy of him were also reassuring, even as the uncertainty as to the original's fate rose to the front of his mind as the most concerning issue. There was, however, nothing that could be done of it from Paradisa. And so Black Bolt nodded, once, though he was unable to chase away the undeniable look of sadness that had come to him with Tony Stark's fate looking so grim at some point in what was no doubt Black Bolt's future.

He wrote again; a faster message that he didn't bother to sit to write.

No further questions. I will lend assistance as I can.


lessmanmoreiron November 21 2010, 09:11:11 UTC
"Good. There's work to be done, and not many people to do it," Tony said. It was a little strange to talk to Black Bolt alone like this. But not unpleasant. At least he wasn't having this conversation with Namor.

"I may be able to build something that can interpret your thoughts and translate them into speech if you want. The whole reason this upload was possible was due to neuroinduction sensors, they were calibrated specifically for my brain, and I'm not sure how your neurobiology differs from my own, but I should be able to modify the technology. I would need to ask the castle for the parts," He said, "I anticipate that not sleeping will give me time to work on additional projects."


boltalicious November 21 2010, 16:39:35 UTC
Oh. Well, that would be convenient, wouldn't it? A personal mechanized Xavier, nearly. Not something that Black Bolt would at all mind, as long as it could be disabled at will, as he certainly didn't relish the idea of spilling all> thoughts out to be head.

The interest at the suggestion showed clearly in lifted brows and a suddenly more focused watch of Tony. He nodded once; agreement, permission, and thanks all in one.


lessmanmoreiron November 21 2010, 23:43:54 UTC
Tony nodded as well, though it was a slightly odd movement in the armor. "I'll notify you by journal if there's anything else," Tony said. It would probably be easier than conducting more face to face meetings until Black Bolt had a better way to communicate.

Unless Tony came up with something else equally difficult to believe that required a demonstration.


boltalicious November 22 2010, 04:07:59 UTC
One more nod, quick and businesslike this time. It was good to have someone from home, even if not one of his Inhumans. Tony Stark -- or at least the personality and empty armor of Tony Stark -- didn't make terrible company. He gave something close to a thin smile and stepped to the edge of the roof. With a spread of his fanned wings and a strong leap, the man was off. There were always other things to occupy his attention, even if life did manage to stay quiet around Paradisa.


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