No matter how he tried he could not break free

Nov 10, 2010 17:32

Who: Cain Knightlord
Where: The roof
When: The morning of the 10th
What: Introspective thoughts and acceptance
Rating: PG-13 for dark subject matter

Even though he had scarcely been in this world a week, he had already come to love the roof. Almost every morning, as Abel was still sleeping in like the lazy man he was, he came up here just to look over the land around the castle.

It was... the view.


After going to the colony when they were still young, his family had never returned to Earth. Never seen weather than wasn't carefully regulated, or landscape that wasn't artificial and manufactured. This chill wind for the onset of winter, and the sight of the fields and the town in the distance... it was more than worth the loss of a few pieces of fish.

And yet, there was still so much that was confusing, so much to be thought through. He had clung to Abel from the get-go as his lifeline, the only constant he recognized in a world he didn't know... and then with the added tales of monsters and genocide, he had perhaps overcompensated his need to keep his brother beside him. It was a fear he would be thought of in the same vein as that beast, and a worry he had been forgotten with the centuries.

His behaviour to Abel's friends, it had been veiled. Guarded. Wary... even jealous. It was illogical, and something he knew he needed to stop. He was not a child to hide in fear of the dark, he was Cain Knightlord - the pinnacle of scientific achievement, and more than capable of handling this.

Perhaps it was the deep down knowledge that Abel had dealt with his fear, and Abel hadn't. They had both been frightened and hurt, but Abel had hidden it with anger and hate, Cain had hidden it by pretending. Wearing masks that covered his own insecurities... and now Abel didn't do that any longer, it was confusing.

Sighing, he sat on the edge of the roof and rested his chin in the palm of his hand. This world had so much potential, so much to offer if he was brave enough to step up and take it. Friends... family... the chance to live as something other than a sub-standard creature, less than human. This was his dream, wasn't it?

This was the future he had wanted on all those occasions he had asked his brother the same question. A place where they could all live peacefully as a family... Lilith and Seth as well. His little Seth, she had grown into such a hurt person over the years, no matter how she tried to hide it, and Lilith... dead by his...

No, he still couldn't think of that yet. He wasn't ready to face it... Crusnik and a family torn apart by blindness and war.

The wind whipped blonde hair into his eyes, and he smiled. A soft smile, not quite the trademark charasmatic grin of the Major, but it was genuine. Could he really do it? Dared he hope? It would take time to come to terms with, but here he could have all those things he had wanted so long, and pushed deep beneath a mask and layers of false hate.

Was this really his freedom?

He wouldn't know unless he gave it a chance...

cain knightlord

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