out in the boondocks

Nov 08, 2010 18:31

Who: Lucy Saxon (queendramabitch) and Lois Lane (loisfuckinglane), along with Jo Harvelle (huntersdaughter)
What: Finding themselves in the Dead Zone
When: Monday evening to the foreseeable future
Where: The Dead Zone, lol
Rating: PG-13

Early Monday evening, Lucy Saxon wakes with a start and a lot of disconnect. The last thing she recalls is going about her morning rituals--starting a cup of tea, feeding the cats and the Arcanine, opening her journal to read what she missed while asleep. Now she's in the grass, out in the open, and she's so cold that at first she can't even move. When she does move, she's immediately jerking up into a sitting position and frantically rubbing at her arms to try and get her circulation going again.

Her first thought is: This almost feels colder than Utopia--

Her second thought is: Tesla. I've been kidnapped like Tesla and the others--

Her third thought, after looking around, is: And I haven't got my journal--

Shivering uncontrollably, Lucy climbs to her feet and tries to get her bearings.

joanna beth 'jo' harvelle, lucy saxon, lois lane

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