Thread: Mahaado and other masquerade-goers. [Yuugiou Crew?]

Feb 18, 2007 07:55

Who: See subject line
What: Mahaado prepares for--and later attends--his first masquerade, in hopes of meeting his Pharaoh's companions, uncovering a few of Paradisa's secrets, and finding out who the hell asked his apprentice to the dance. Meanwhile, other members of the Yuugiou crew prepare and interact. *not god-moding!* *hides* You can do ( Read more... )


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sunshinechile February 19 2007, 12:36:28 UTC
Mana had spent at least an hour getting ready. The castle had given her a lovely dress and a matching mask all in the same shade of green. She felt more beautiful than she ever had in her life.

Until, of course, she tripped down the stairs. Mana had never been very fond of walking down all those stairs, and one of her feet had just slipped...

"Ow! Owch!" The girl fell down several stairs before landing in a hallway. "That hurt...silly castle!" She rubbed her neck. Looking around, she realized that Mahaado's room was around here somewhere. Brushing herself off, she started down the corridor.

"Master? Hello~" Mana called off into the distance. "Are you around here?"

((OOC~ I hope I'm doing this right. xD; And HOMG you're using an icon I made! *feels proud, 'cause she's never seen anyone use her icons before* 8D Sorry. Being random.))


magus_of_fealty February 19 2007, 13:10:54 UTC
The king's words could not have timed themselves better. As soon as they left his lips, there came a bump, a few smaller crashes, and Mana spilled out of a stairway not eight yards in front of them. She did not spot them at first, instead standing, and Mahaado found his lips twitching with an unfamiliar urge to joke.

His voice was quiet but clear as he indulged himself: "Why, yes, Great Pharaoh. I believe she will...drop in quite soon."

((OOC: [You'll have to forgive Mahaado; he hasn't had much practice in the levity department.] You're doing fine! And I love the icon. Though, I'm not sure if I have your username right in the credits...))


sunshinechile February 19 2007, 13:27:25 UTC
Mana heard a familiar voice. Looking over her shoulder, she spotted Mahaado. Grinning, she ran toward him as fast as she could in her dress.

"Master!" She barreled into him, giving him a rather large hug. "I'm so glad I found you! The castle was so huge that I was afraid I'd never see you again!" Mana looked up at him. "And I didn't mean to drop in!"


sw_ren_nesew February 19 2007, 15:55:32 UTC
A bemused look crossed Yami's features. "Mana, it's good to see you," he greeted, as the look turned into a smirk. "It's been quiet some time."

[OOC: Woops! Wrong journal!]


sunshinechile February 19 2007, 16:05:06 UTC
"Oh!" Mana let go of Mahaado rather quickly and turned to face someone she hadn't seen in awhile. "Atemu...wait! I mean, Great Pharaoh...hi!" She blushed as she stumbled over her sentence.

"Master told me you were here, but I didn't know I'd see you so soon!" She nodded.

((OOC~ S'ok. I've done it millions of times.))


sw_ren_nesew February 19 2007, 16:11:04 UTC
Yami winced lightly as a rush of magic filled his system, and then died away. "Ah, let's stick with Yami, shall we, Mana? It seems my magic is rather unstable here, and speaking my name provokes its use, without my control."

He noticed Mahaado's worried glanced, and waved a hand. "But anyway, shall we continue to the masquerade?"


sunshinechile February 19 2007, 16:17:44 UTC
"Okay...Yami." She felt odd calling Atemu something other than what she was used to, but since he asked...

"Let's go!" Mana brushed herself off once more, trying to get some of the wrinkles out of her dress. They seemed to be multiplying the more she brushed.


magus_of_fealty February 19 2007, 16:47:53 UTC
Mahaado nodded. "I doubt that names would be a problem if Mana had ever learned to call you by your proper title, my lord," he murmured wryly, but instantly regretted his words. After all, Yami had requested that he not be spoken to as a lord normally would. With Mahaado it was one thing, since he was formal by nature, but he wondered if the Pharaoh appreciated him encouraging the same formality in Mana. Red made its way around the back of his neck. The only thing the priest could do was continue walking.


sunshinechile February 20 2007, 21:13:25 UTC
Mana giggled and stuck out her tongue at Mahaado. "Master, you're so mean!" Of course, she wasn't being serious; Mana could never call Mahaado 'mean' seriously.

"But can we go?" The girl asked anxiously.


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