(no subject)

Jun 28, 2010 15:09

Who: Chuck Shurley & Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins
What: Shopping for Sister
When: Monday, June 28th - afternoon
Where: The Magick Box II
Rating: R (for talk of sex and sex toys)

When the small chime on the door sounded, Anya glanced up from her counting of the money, to make sure whoever had just entered the store seemed like an actual customer. If they looked like one of those people that really was just too warm and wanted to come into the air conditioning - she'd ignore them. It was that simple. She was a business-woman after all.

Glancing down the aisle, she tilted her head. He was short, sort of awkward looking, and reminded her vaguely of Jonathan. Well, he'd remind her of Jonathan if he had the ability to actually grow facial hair. There was a nervous quality to him, too, something that made Anya tilt her head in curiosity, wondering if he was looking for some strange spell to remove some odd growth from his body. There were guys like that; always putting their parts into things they weren't supposed to. Anya knew the type and for a moment, with the shifty way this guy was looking, he was definitely the type.

He moved toward her, Anya standing there with a skeptical look on her features, fully expecting him to ask for some Green Tree Root or at the very least some Reddened Congealed Squid Ink. Instead, his hands rested to the counter, drumming lightly as he stood there, shifting his weight nervously.

"Can I help you?" Anya inquired.

"Oh... uh... yes."

"You don't seem very sure. Is there a rash?"

"What?" The way he startled at that question, Anya wasn't sure if he was just shocked that she'd guessed or if he wasn't there for that.


"Okay. Uh... I was told, I mean, a friend of mine - she said, that -- she said you had..."

Anya shook her head, slightly frustrated at this lack of actual sentence structure. Her store had a plethora of items and this short, awkward man's ramblings weren't going to help her determine what he needed.

"Your friend? Who's your friend?" Anya inquired, trying to get to the bottom of this whole escapade.

"Right, Kaikaina - oh, uh, Sister."

"I don't know her."

"Really? Well, I'm Chuck. Chuck Shurley."

"The crazy bible guy?"

"The what?"

"The crazy bible guy." Anya repeated. "He was going around trying to convert people to the religion of Sam and Dean. It's a noble cause, I've had sex with both of them - though not at the same time - and I think they have skills that could be worth worshiping."

The way Chuck stared back at her, she was fairly certain that had been one of those times she was meant to keep her comments to herself. Shaking it off, she plastered on a bright and cheery smile, "What can I help you with?"

The odd little man cleared his throat, for what must have been the tenth time, but Anya still stood there waiting to hear how she could convince this gentleman that he needed to purchase far more than he ideally needed.

"Anyway - Kaikaina said that you had - uh - intimate items for women... for sale?"

Anya nodded, she knew saying 'sex toys' over the journal might have been the easy way to go, but the clientele that she was going to get was the type that didn't want to just wish things into existence. Though now that she was thinking about it, Anya had to beam brightly, "You're that girl's sex toy guy, right??"

Chuck seemed flabbergasted and more than just a bit embarrassed, "Uh... yeah?"

Nodding, Anya put the cash back into the register, she could recount it later. Moving around to the other side of the counter, she linked arms with the small awkward man heading him back toward the more private area of the shop. She'd only recently set the entire thing up, so it was nice to have someone come in and specifically ask for it. There was a tasteful screen set up, nothing like a beaded curtain, which would be tacky and tasteless, but just a simple screen that partitioned off a small corner of the shop. There was a tall, narrow, white shelf set up there which contained all of the different items that Anya herself had asked the castle for.

Honestly, it was a wonder why more people didn't set up shops this way. It was a one-hundred percent profit margin. Free items from the castle and then money for those items. Granted, she could just ask the castle for money - but she much preferred the consumerism of it all.

The shelves contained very tasteful displays. Varied bottles and trinkets placed amongst the variety of long cylindrical shaped sex toys. There were numerous ones up there, but Anya had tried to avoid any that claimed to be 'Rabbits' mostly because she didn't like the idea of those horrible monstrous creatures being responsible for the pleasure of another woman. It was ludicrous to think of that sort of thing.

"Here we are! All sorts of little bits and bobs. This one, here? It rotates and swivels." Anya turned it on and handed it to Chuck, watching him act as if the thing was going to wiggle away from him, which it might very well do.

"Hold it firmly!" Anya grasped Chuck's hands, making him wrap his palm around the thing. "You're not going to be able to do anything successfully with it, if you're afraid of it."

"Uh... right. Got it."

Anya nodded, handing him others, "What in particular are you and your partner trying to achieve?"


She watched as he nearly choked the word out, as she just nodded, rather enthusiastically, "Well, yes. I mean, in general men purchase these items because they're unable to satisfy their sexual partner through normal means."

Chuck shook his head, rather a lot, actually, "Oh. Uh. No. I mean, yeah, not my partner. She - uh, she's got this..."

Letting her gaze follow Chuck's hands, she tilted her head, watching him gesture to around his midsection and between his thighs, "I'm sorry - I don't understand. Does she have some sort of infection? Dr. Kutner at the clinic, he's very skilled."

"No. It's a Chastity Belt thing. She can't - remove it, so you know it's... it's more of an experiment."

Her brow furrowed in confusion, "An experiment? I don't think I follow. Experimenting sexually is perfectly healthy, but you do need to actually get to the anatomy to do it properly, Chuck. I mean, you were pitching the religion of Winchester, I'm fairly certain that has a lot of sex in it. Positions too. Oh, and pie."

There was more shaking of his head, it was as if he was trying to shake those responses from her right out of his head.

"Is there a problem?"

"No! I mean, well, yes. I just - I'm trying to be helpful. I guess there's this.. uh - this hole? If there's something that could maybe -- I don't know, work around that contraption?"

Thinking about it for a moment, Anya scanned the shelves, trying to sort out what exactly might work. Selecting a few items off the middle shelf, she examined them and then nodded. "I think I have just the stuff. Let me get them from the back."

Nodding, Chuck seemed more timid than he had when he walked into her shop, but she was going to make sure he was a satisfied customer - and that his lady friend was satisfied too. In the back room, she pulled a few boxes out and slipped them into a bag, heading to the front of the store.

"Here!" Handing him the bag, she began to explain the contents. "One is very flexible and another is very sturdy. There's also some inflatable items - they're like angioplasty balloons, but for sex! You have to be very careful with them though. Plus, I put in there some smaller items and a few extra things... you know, for you."

Chuck just shook his head, "I'm fine. I mean, I don't... I'm not looking for help like that."

Nodding, Anya smiled brightly, "We all are, Chuck. It's a magical castle and in the end we're all just people seeking friction and contact on any level. It's human nature. You are human, aren't you? Because - I've got some other things, in back, in case you're not."

There was another startled cough, "Human. Yes, I'm human."

"Good! That'll be one hundred and eight dollars and fifteen cents!"

anya christina emmanuella jenkins, chuck shurley

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