(no subject)

May 16, 2010 00:56

Who: Elle, Sylar and Baby Noah
What: Baths and Vanishing Acts
When: Saturday 11pm into Sunday after Noah disappears.
Where: Elle & Sylar's Room
Rating: PG

Elle: [has no clue what Noah got into, but clearly it's Sylar's fault] It's all over him.

Sylar: [makes a face at her -- might have picked that up, somehow] Wish I knew what 'it' was.

Elle: [isn't going to taste it or something, she just needs to get it off the little one, who is just smiling and gurgling away] Well, whatever it is, he's pleased with himself.

Sylar: [yeah, he's not going there either. pulls another sour face, this time at Noah] He's not going to be happy with a bath.

Elle: [shrugs] Well, I'm not going to spend an hour with a washcloth hoping I got it all. It's on his legs too. [which are kicking happily away]

Sylar: [sighs] I'll get the washcloth. [she can start the damn bath water or something. Jesus. having a toddler last year was easier than this]

Elle: [starts to undress the little monster] You Mister Noah are a big mess. [makes a silly face at him, which makes the kid just giggle and try to poke at her mouth] Don't make me eat your hand. I have no clue where it's been. [reaches for the thing that they had to put in the sink for him, and starts to fill it with water]

Sylar: [ ... watches her for a moment, trying to figure out why people get stupid when there are babies around. he hasn't caught the stupidty that's spreading, but -- don't mind him. he hasn't slept much in the last few days, thanks to Noah, who apparently thinks daytime is sleepytime and vice versa. he's in a bit of a mood. sighs, shaking his head, and goes to grab a washcloth]

Elle: [finishes the undressing thing and holds him like a sack of flour, bringing him over to the basin which is filled with warm water] There. [soon as he's set down, his hands just splash into the water repeatedly, not even caring how the water is flying everywhere]

Sylar: [comes back with the washcloth, keeping a bit of a distance. doesn't particularly want to be splashed]

Elle: [sighs and wipes her bangs off her forehead, waiting for the splashing to subside, which apparently it's not going to do] He didn't get this from me, that's for sure.

Sylar: [still waiting for him to stop, thanks] At least he doesn't have an ability.

Elle: Maybe he's just not old enough to have one manifest. I didn't until I was four. [splash of water to her shirt] He's got a lot of energy.

Sylar: He's probably not. [she didn't manifest until she was four; he didn't until he was in his late twenties, so ...] Still, though. [little grim smile] I think a telekinetic temper tantrum would be a hell of a lot worse.

Elle: [laughs a bit, watching the splashes stop for a moment] Yeah, I would not want a vase to the head. [since the splashing has stopped, Elle reaches for the washcloth from Sylar and starts to clean the kid up] I still have no clue how he managed to get this everywhere. It looks like colored glue.

Sylar: [waits a second or two, just to make sure he isn't going to start up again, and then finally approaches, leaning against the counter, watching him] Fingerpaints, maybe? [if Molly has any of those, he might have gotten into them?]

Elle: [nods] That makes sense. [continues to bring the warm water up with the washcloth, watching it turn different colors] I don't even think I'm supposed to have babies. I mean, my ability? Wouldn't my body think it's some sort of attack?

Sylar: [shrugs, raising his eyes to her, head tilted to one side, thoughtfully] I don't know. Maybe, maybe not.

Elle: [takes a breath and watches the water turn a muddy color] Gross. [reaches beneath the tub thing and drains the water out before turning the faucet on again to get clean water in there] Definitely paints.

Sylar: [glances back to Noah and decides that he's sort of proud of himself for getting away with not having to wash the baby. ew] You need another washcloth? [still avoiding washing the bb!]

Elle: [glances to the one in her hand, which is covered in paint] Yeah, probably smart.

Sylar: [rolls one shoulder in a shrug and goes to grab her a fresh washcloth]

Elle: [waits for him, but decides to continue the conversation as he mills through the hall] You know, if we had gotten into the paint like this it would've been a lot more interesting than a messy baby.

Sylar: [and there's a little heh from the hall, the sound of him opening the linen closet, and then, as he comes back:] Probably.

Elle: Where did he even find them? [wonders if -that- could be their kids ability, finding things that he's not meant to get into]

Sylar: [that's every kid's ability. Jay did a lot of that, last year] Molly's room, maybe? Or maybe the Castle's helping out. [hands her the new washcloth]

Elle: Reading the wants and needs of a baby. [takes it from him with a smile, going back to mopping down the kid] A telepathic castle that doesn't work when I forget a towel when I'm in the shower.

Sylar: Guess it figures that's your own damn fault. [amused]

Elle: Well, I can still ask for it, but it'd be nice if it was predicting my mistake.

Sylar: [and the amusement fades and he just shrugs a bit. really doesn't want the Castle poking around in his head -- really doesn't want anyone in his head after what Matt did -- though he has the sneaking suspicion that it already is, somehow. can't really explain it. it's just a sense he's gotten after nearly two years of being here]

Elle: [finishes cleaning the kid up and watches as he starts to splash in the water again, once more getting the front of her shirt and her mouth with the water] Excellent. I didn't think I had gotten enough water on me the first time.

Sylar: Nope. Never enough water.

Elle: [picks Noah up out of the bath, which of course is time for the ironic moment] I didn't get him a towel.

Sylar: [huffs out a sigh of a laugh and goes to grab one of those, too. probably should have done it when he went for the last washcloth, but he didn't think about it]

Elle: [smirks a bit, because it is kind of funny, also why isn't Sylar just asking for these things, or why doesn't Elle wish them up either?] Sorry? If anything I'm getting a nice view of you leaving the room?

Sylar: [so she can get the nice view? because there's a perfectly good linen closet? who knows. either way, though, he shakes his ass a bit as he heads to the closet. comes back after a minute with said towel]

Elle: [laughs] Did you just do that? [glances down to the dripping baby that is pressed to her side] He's teasing me.

Sylar: [shrugs, almost embarrassed] I was being a smartass.

Elle: [lifts an eyebrow] Smart-ass or Hot-Ass?

Sylar: Both?

Elle: Do you have the towel at least?

Sylar: [hands it over, wordlessly]

Elle: [smiles up at him, clearly entertained by his antics, but wraps the baby up in the towel, trying to dry him off as best she can with his arms and legs flailing wildly] He just does not like to be still.

Sylar: He got that from you. Not me.

Elle: [smirks as she finishes with the drying of the kid] Well, I don't kick you in my sleep do I?

Sylar: No. [what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?]

Elle: [she's getting a knee to her ribs every time his little legs kick, so she holds him out, letting them just go wild until he stops and looks at her curiously] Done? [shakes her head and moves to find him a new diaper and at least a t-shirt] I think I'm glad he's got a crib.

Sylar: Same. [moves to take him from Elle? can at least suffer through the squirming, since he didn't help with the bath at all]

Elle: [gladly hands him off as she goes to get the new diaper and shirt from the bedroom]

Sylar: [and with daddy, he doesn't squirm at all. imagine that!]

Elle: [makes a face when she returns to see Noah being perfectly still with him] Maybe it's the humming.

Sylar: I hum, too. [shrugs]

Elle: [makes the face again and hands over the diaper and shirt] That you do.

Sylar: [does not want to put the diaper on the kid, but ... sighs and takes both from her. sets the shirt down somewhere and the kid down on the table so he can put the diaper on]

Elle: [at least it's not changing the diaper, it's just putting it on the little one, goes to sit down near wherever this is going to happen, just in case he decides to hand it back to her to finish]

Sylar: [manages to get the diaper on, feeling a little foolish even if he doesn't have to ask her to finish it, and waves the shirt over, telekinetically. might have put it down too far away to reach, stupidly]

Elle: [watches as little Noah's eyes follow that floating shirt] Yes, Daddy is impressive.

Sylar: [hums, amused, and puts the shirt on him while he's distracted! is ever so clever!]

Elle: [smirks and watches, once baby is all dressed, she smiles] Look at that, baby has shirt and diaper and now he's free to crawl all over and hopefully not get into paints again.

Sylar: [picks him up off the table, setting him down on the ground carefully] Hopefully.

Elle: [watches him crawl toward a stack of toys and Elle goes to lean against Sylar] We didn't do that bad.

Sylar: [leans back against her, lightly] We didn't.

Elle: We had Molly, plus James next door and little Noah. Three kids... one week, not bad.

Sylar: Kind of a shame they'll probably disappear tomorrow. [as pissy as he is for lack of sleep, it'll still suck]

Elle: We'll still have Molly. [reaches for his hand]

Sylar: True. [laces his fingers with hers, watching Noah]

Elle: Did you see Peter's little girl? I think he was really confused when she showed up.

Sylar: I haven't seen her. [a pause] I saw her last year, though. [and he hasn't said anything to Peter about her because he's not sure how that would go]

Elle: [nods watching Noah sit up and start moving the stack of toys around] I've heard them, but I still don't think Peter's exactly okay with me here. [shrugs, and goes to tug Sylar over to sit on the couch beside her]

Sylar: [lets her pull him over, sitting down when they reach it] He'll get over it.

Elle: [chuckles and leans against him, pulling her feet up onto the cushion beside her] Noah must be gifted. Those toys said one year and up and he's just a-okay with figuring out how they work.

Sylar: ... [hm. wonders if he has his ability. wouldn't that be a kicker, since he doesn't have it here]

Elle: [watches him shove the little plastic shapes into the appropriate shaped slots] Do you think he's the same Noah from that one future?

Sylar: Don't know. [considers it for a moment, frowning] I think, maybe.

Elle: He feels like mine. I mean, that loss was weird, but I still know what I felt. This feels like that.

Sylar: [nods. he knows exactly what she means] Yeah.

Elle: [curls in closer to Sylar, not being a huge fan of the castle messing with her emotions, but wondering if it's different this time, because in a way at least this is more real] He's cute though.

Sylar: He'd be cuter if he didn't like keeping me up all night.

Elle: [laughs, poking her finger lightly into his side] I don't know, I like the nap in the afternoon.

Sylar: [swats her away, shifting a bit on the couch. don't wind him up, woman!]

Elle: [smirks up at him, letting her hand rest across his waist] We should still take naps, even after Noah's gone.

Sylar: Maybe. [puts an arm around her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. could use a nap -- a real nap -- right now]

Elle: [well, that won't happen since the baby is wide away and just smacking the blocks around and gurgling away at nothing at all] It's an idea.

Sylar: [kind of a shame] Yep.

Elle: [the kid would be gone in a few days and then they could sleep for a whole day, or at the very least stay in bed] At least it's not a kid out of wedlock? [tries to joke]

Sylar: [amused hum] No, it's not.

Elle: Even better, we don't hate each other or are strangers.

Sylar: ... that happened?

Elle: To other people? Yeah.

Sylar: Huh. That sucks.

Elle: Yeah. The castle has a cruel streak.

Sylar: Good point. [makes a face]

Elle: [leans over to kiss him softly]

Sylar: [kisses her back, smiling a bit]

Elle: [would keep the kiss up, but the kid... is really super quiet, so she pulls back slightly] Where is he?

Sylar: [looks around] ... no idea.

Elle: [she'd laugh, because it'd be funny if it wasn't their kid, but now... she just sighs and stands up] He was just here. How does he do that?

Sylar: [gets up, too, looking decidedly sour. stupid disappearing bb] It's another one of his super powers.

Elle: [is almost proud if that's true] Vanishing. [starts to look... trying to follow the trail of toys] Can you use Molly's ability on him?

Sylar: Yeah, sure. [focusing on the kidlet ...]

Elle: [waits.. watching.... still sort of looking around]

Sylar: [tilts his head to one side, frowning] He's just -- gone.

Elle: [curious glance] Gone? [stops the searching and glances to her watch] It's been seven days I guess... so... huh. [turns around in the hallway a bit] At least he's got a clean diaper and no paint wherever he just went to?

Sylar: Guess so. [looks ... vaguely disappointed]

Elle: [is a bit sad too, because that means James is gone too and she didn't even get to see him one last time, her ankle wobbles a bit, shifting her foot onto it's side as she stands there] Huh. That... was odd.

Sylar: Yeah. [sighs] That's the Castle for you, I guess.

Elle: [goes toward him, circling her arms around his waist] Time for a nap?

Sylar: [wraps his arms back around her, pulling her close] Guess so.

Elle: Or... actual sleep?

Sylar: Maybe actually sleep. [though he's not sure he'll sleep. that was kind of ... unsettling]

Elle: [pulls in closer to him, because she does have that little bit of a sinking feeling in her stomach at just losing two children in a minute] We're not bad parents because we didn't notice he went away, right?

Sylar: [shakes his head] No, we're not.

Elle: Okay. [starts to lead him toward the bedroom, figuring she'll clean up all the toys tomorrow]

Sylar: [keeps her close as they head to the bedroom, though he pulls away to settle down on the bed when they reach it. holds out a hand to pull her down with him]

Elle: [looks at his hand for a moment, before she removes some of the damp clothing, changing into something more comfortable and then goes back toward the bed, taking the hand from him once more]

Sylar: [doesn't bother getting changed -- he's perfectly content sleeping in his clothes -- though he does kick off his boots and strip out of his shirt while she goes to change]

Elle: [her clothing was kind of wet... which for an electrical abilitied girl.... isn't smart to sleep in, but she's fine now, even more so now that he's got his shirt off, and moves to slide into bed beside him]

Sylar: [puts his arms around her and pulls her close once she's in bed, resting his head on top of hers]

Elle: [settles in beside him] It's going to be weird without him waking us up in a few hours.

Sylar: Yeah, it will be. [wonders if he went back to them, though. because if it was their Noah, then ... yeah. okay. that's making even his brain hurt]

Elle: [his amazing brain...] If you want I can set an alarm and wake you in a few hours. [smirks]

Sylar: [amused eyeroll] No.

Elle: [leans up and presses a kiss to his cheek] Are you sure?

Sylar: Positive. [turns his head to steal a kiss]

Elle: [smiles into the kiss] 'Kay. [they should... probably check on Molly, but it was late as it was and she had been helping with the baby too, so sleep was good for her]

Sylar: [can at least sense that Molly's still there? so, that helps. he can check on her tomorrow morning. or if he wakes up in the middle of the night, anyway]

Elle: [that totally counts. Amazing lifted abilities for the win, and it's pointless anyway as Elle is almost already falling asleep]

Sylar: [he's probably gonna hold her for awhile, while she sleeps. as tired as he is, it's gonna take him a bit to doze off, himself]

Elle: [does not mind this plan at all]

Sylar: [awesome. it's decided, then]

elle bishop, sylar

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