(no subject)

Apr 19, 2010 11:52

Who: Elle & Lucy
What: Plot something evil to deal with the Monarch
When: April 18th - Sunday evening
Where: The Monarch Estate - the Front Room
Rating: PG - Talk of Murder

Elle: [she wasn't blind, not to the ever increasing flirtations that kept going on between her husband and the maid, though Elle herself wasn't without fault in this tense relationship, plus she hadn't exactly told anyone that she was pregnant and had no clue who the father was... perhaps Lucy, while she's doing whatever it is she usually does when she's pretending to clean, could understand her frustrations with the Monarch]

You can stop dusting... or whatever it is you're doing. I'm not going to fire you, Lucy.

Lucy: [freezes for a moment, but she's always been a quick thinker, so when that moment passes she straightens up and turns to face Elle with a carefully blank expression]

Elle: [eyes her, curiously, just what was it about this woman that she didn't have...] You know, I have to apologize for all the pollen that gets all over everything. All these plants and flowers, it must be frustrating to have to constantly clean up. [thinks on what she wants to say for a moment] I'm sure you're planning your retirement from this profession already.

Lucy: [oh, it's frustrating all right, and she'd spent many hours imagining how she might make the gardener, or whoever decided to put the damn plants everywhere, pay for it... but that's neither here nor there. After another half-pause, she nods once]

Elle: It's the whole butterfly - Monarch thing. He says it reminds him of his family, but I'll be glad when the season is over and he goes back to sulking about how he misses his cocoon. [sighs, as she leans against the wall, trying to play out the troubled wife card] Sometimes, I just don't think he loves me as much anymore.

Lucy: [outwardly puts on an appropriately sympathetic look, playing it safe for now until she figures out what Elle's game is; inwardly, snickers]

Elle: [glances over to the woman, trying to read her, which is difficult since she is pretty much the silent type all the time. It makes for a quiet household, also it's probably why it took her forever to realize that her husband was cheating on her. Testing the waters, she opts to joke about his demise] Of course, I don't think I can divorce him -- I'd have to wait until he died to actually leave him. [watches Lucy, for her reaction to that remark]

Lucy: [that perks her curiosity; why shouldn't she divorce him if she wanted to leave? Unless, of course, she wants to keep her hands in the estate. The Monarch, unfortunately, is in perfect health, so it'd be a good long while for that to come about. Unless unless... Very slowly, Lucy cants her head to one side in evaluation]

Elle: [sighs, pushing away from the wall, circling around the maid to move in closer to her, giving that illusion of trust] I'd be concerned for Alice, a divorce.. it's so messy and how could I know that she'd get the same level of lifestyle she had been accustomed too? [a slightly amused look, as if she's suddenly thinking that she's just talking to herself] It'd be easier to just have him killed. [there's a long enough pause for her to look at Lucy, but then she's brushing it off quickly, almost too much] Oh! Wow, that's... I'm sorry - what was that?

Lucy: [well, this is definitely something new. If she could speak she'd go for a joke about how it WOULD be easier, wouldn't it, but unfortunately that's out of the question, so--she gives Elle a slightly puzzled smile]

Elle: [shakes her head, embarrassed] I don't know why I said that, maybe you just have a trusting face, Lucy. [there's an emphasis on the 'trusting' part] I know he's been seeing someone else, but I can't actually confront him about it.

Lucy: [goes ever-so-slightly still when Elle says she knows the Monarch's been cheating on her, and signs "You can trust me"]

Elle: [it had taken her a few years to get the hang of sign language, but she had felt it would be helpful when it seemed Lucy was the only maid that would actually stay longer than a few months of putting up with her husband] Thank you, Lucy. I just... I don't think I can stay in a marriage with a man who cheats on me and I don't want to put Alice through a divorce... I just, I [laughs lightly, once more testing her new 'confidant' Lucy] I wish there was an easier way sometimes.

Lucy: [still playing the sympathetic servant, quite interested to see where this might lead, she signs "Can I help?"]

Elle: [allows a moment of relief to wash over her face, then a bit of worry] Lucy, you've been such a good friend and so trusted to our family, I wouldn't want to put you into a position you're not comfortable with. [then, as a subtle note] Even if there was a way for it to all work out in the end.

Lucy: [now she KNOWS there's a game going on, because she has never exactly been friends with Elle--trusted, yes, but not friends. And it's obvious that her mistress has decided to hasten the Monarch's shuffle off the mortal coil. But why involve her? Throwing out a lure, she signs, "You want to kill him"]

Elle: [it's difficult to make it seem like she's not overly eager to off her husband, but with her skills of manipulating people well honed, it's easier for her to just look like a wounded bird and nod, seeming like she's fearful of her own thoughts lately] I can't believe it, but sometimes I just think we'd all be better off without the Monarch around. [quietly] He changed for me, I'm glad for that -- but before we were married, before when he was an arch villain... he did things.

Lucy: [frankly, does not give a damn what the Monarch did or does, and thinks the only thing that would really change if he were gone is that she'd be out a fuckbuddy... she nods encouragingly]

Elle: [with the nodding, Elle goes for it] If you helped me... I'd ensure you were taken care of for your efforts Lucy.

Lucy: [oh, that is DELICIOUS. Farewell, fuckbuddy. Lucy drops all pretenses of being a sympathetic, loyal servant and gives Elle a very slow, disturbing smile]

Elle: [likes the look of that smile, Lucy, and chuckles a bit] I've been in touch with someone, but I can't assure them that he'll be in the house. Without that guarantee that he'd be in the house and alone - I just haven't been able to go through with it.

Lucy: [signs--"What can I do?"]

Elle: [shrugs] If there was a way to knock him out, maybe... get him to stay put without tying him up? [laughs] If there's a body I just don't want anyone to get caught.

Lucy: ["I can do that"]

Elle: [glances up to her] Are you sure? I don't want to put you in a position you're not comfortable with. [unlike the positions Elle knows her husband puts Lucy in]

Lucy: [how to say "there's not much I'm not comfortable with"? She just smiles again, and signs, "very sure"]

Elle: [nods, keeping close to her] I'd hit him over the head, but there'd be a bump where I hit him. What about his evening tea? Do you think there's a way you could slip something in there?

Lucy: [nods, gears going full tilt in her head--she'd have to send some feelers out, but she's confident she can pull it off]

Elle: [knows that look of thoughts being thought of... and nods] Thank you, Lucy. Once we have everything set and we're sure, I'll call my friend. [meaning, she'll tell her other lover, Sylar, that Reaper can set fire to the house]

Lucy: [nods again, eyes glittering with what can only be described as gleeful malice]

Elle: [likes this side of Lucy and hopes that this all works out in their favor] If you need anything before, anything at all, Lucy, just let me know. [she's not above paying the woman off earlier than post-job, especially if it means she won't be implicated]

Lucy: [nope, Lucy knows how to play her cards--gift horses don't get implicated. She signs "I will"]

Elle: [nods and moves out to go check on the lawn... since Oliver had been fired it seems to be getting pret-ty long]

Lucy: [goes to get dressed for a trip in town, smiling to herself]

elle bishop, lucy saxon

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