(no subject)

Mar 10, 2010 13:01

Who: Rose, Abel and Cain?
What: Taking a tour of LA intended to give a sugar coma
When: Tuesday Early Afternoon til whenever?
Where: All of these places!
Rating: PG

After spending Monday alone and in deep thought, she took the evening to map out possible locations for her and Abel to try and induce a state of sugar shock. She went to sleep with thoughts of chocolate covered strawberries intended to soothe her worry about how she was going to get through losing Don. Food was hardly a substitute for Don, but it was a good start.

Rather than risk Abel getting lost on the way to her flat again, she managed to find her own way to where Abel was staying. Making her way to ring the buzzer for his place, she waited wringing her hands together.

While she waited, she turned around resting against the doors, taking in the area and the weather, which was a lot more favorable than what had been in the castle. Her thoughts wandered to how her pets were doing and whether or not Growlithe had gone home as well.

rose tyler, abel nightroad, cain knightlord

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