(no subject)

Jan 27, 2010 23:18

Who: Clark Kent [clarklike] and Lois Lane [mystoryidntshre]
What: Doing couple-y things
When: Jan. 20th (Backdated)
Where: Around Town
Rating: PG-13

Clark: Clark has avoided asking her too much about the sleeping issue, and has refrained from bugging her about getting the ring back. He figures she's just stressed, and is going to take a bit to adjust to how crazy Paradisa is. Taking anyone out of their usual element and expecting them to not miss a beat is asking a lot. Clark can do it with ease, but that's because he has his big life full of absurdities and supposed impossibilities.

As for the ring, well... what does it matter? It isn't going to do anyone any good here.

So here they are, doing normal couple-y things, like going for a walk and coffee in town. Clark slips his hand into hers, and flashes her a smile.

"Did you talk to Dr. Sweets?" he asks, conversationally.

Lois: No, the ring didn't do a thing. But it was Clark's and it was something of his which was just another reason for her to wear it around her neck. Not really something special in the way that he gave it to her but still... it was something. Twining her fingers with his she gives him a smile before giving a nod to his question.

"I talked to him, Smallville. He's an interesting man." Then again he was helping her with her 'alien' problem so to speak. Not that she considered her boyfriend one even if he was one. And wow... that sounded confusing in her head.

Clark: "Good," Clark says. The castle is full of so many people with steel-and-concrete emotional walls that it's nice to know people who are taking care of themselves, no matter how small the problem is.

Clark probably would have given up sleep entirely and poured himself into work.

"How'd it go?"

Lois: "It went pretty good. We talked about the dreams and the fact that I was adjusting... stuff like that. Along with questions of whether my lack of sleep and the dreams effected my relationship with you or not."

Which they hadn't. She'd just been... seriously embarrassed. Especially with what the dreams consisted of.

"Maybe it's time I actually told you about them."

Clark: Effected her relationship with him or-- what?

Clark frowns.

"I'm all ears."

Lois: "What're you frowning for, Smallville? Frowns aren't good on you."

Oh this was not going to be easy at all.

"Mind you the dreams still don't truthfully make sense so bear with me."

Clark: Clark was just concerned, and when he was concerned, he tended to frown.


Lois: She leans over and kisses his cheek. Lois knew exactly how he got when he was concerned. She'd been around it enough. Seen it more times than she can really count.

"It all starts out the same... this world... Chloe running, Tess kneeling before some guy putting dog tags on her... I believe even a red sun. Which really seems kind of odd. It was a world without the Blur or without his influence it seemed. And then the part that deals with us."

Wow... she felt like she was rambling. Probably was without realizing it. Especially since when she'd mentioned the whole 'dealing with us' she could feel the blush run up her cheeks.

Clark: A red sun. That concerns Clark right off the bat, because it means he was powerless... though that would explain why it was a world without the Blur. His mind keeps to that, concerned about the end of the world, until Lois changes the subject to them.

"Uh... what was it?"

Lois: That blush just creeps up a bit more and she buries her face in his shoulder. "Don't tell me I have to spell it out, Smallville..." But she proceeds anyway. "It always moves from that to us having this mind blowing sex."

Clark: Clark goes red too, and he looks away from her, embarrassed. Not that he's a prude, but he's always been old-fashioned about how fast relationships move, and it's been less than a week and she's already talking sex dreams.

"Lois, whoa," Clark says, defensively.

Lois: "Hey, I wasn't having these dreams till I landed here, Smallville." After all, Clark's from a point in time before her. So that should tell him that these dreams didn't start until after she came back from the future.

Clark: Clark puts it together, but he doesn't say anything about it. He could venture guesses and drive himself crazy figuring it out, or he could just let it go for now and drive himself crazy later.

"Right, but... let's just take it a step slower, alright?"

Lois: "Just because I have dream sex with you, Smallville, doesn't mean I'm ready to actually have sex with you. I plan for us to actually do this thing right. Not just jump right into it." She says with a slight roll of her eyes. Did he actually think? Okay... she did have kind of a track record for...

"So slow is good."

Clark: Clark realizes he's being lectured about fictional sex, and feels both a twinge of annoyance at being lectured, and a brief moment of amusement because it's so Lois. Either way, he's glad to hear it.

"Good. I'm a big fan of 'doing it right.'"

Lois: "So we take each day at a time. Slow. No big rush." She says with a grin giving his hand a slight squeeze. "Now why don't you tell me what you've been up to."

Clark: "Right," he says, and then gently squeezes her hand back. "Uh... well, a whole bunch of people from our universe arrived. Kara included, but she's from another timeline AND the future, so things are a little different."

Lois: "What do you mean a whole bunch?" Because there was quite a few from their future. From their universe. That sounded so odd. "So we've got Kara. At least we know she's safe?"

Clark: There's no confirmation that she's fine in their world, but Clark isn't about to open that can of worms; not when he's worried about her flying around the universe looking for what's left of Kandor. He looks at Lois and shrugs.

"Mostly people from Gotham, but yes, Kara's fine."

Lois: "Right... because that makes sense to this reporter." Well... the mention of Gotham anyway. That actually... she doesn't know anyone from Gotham that she can think of. "Good. I'm sure that makes you happy." Lois says giving him a smile.

Clark: "Very," he smiles. "Now if Kon and Chloe come back, I'll have all the family I could ask for."

He knows his parents shouldn't be in a place like this. Kon and Chloe, on the other hand, can handle it, if necessary.

Lois: "Kon?" She asks raising a slight brow although she can't help but smile at the mention of her cousin. "Think of what she'd say to us if she did ever show up here."

Clark: "A younger brother or cousin, of sorts. Good kid. You'd get along with him." Clark doesn't want to open the "my son the clone" discussion either; that can wait. Clark just smiles. "Chloe handles this place well, though."

Lois: "If he's a Kent I probably will." Though at his last statement she frowns a bit. "Chlo's been here before?"

Clark: "Oh, he's a Kent," Clark replies.

As for Chloe, he nods.

"Yeah. She's been here twice."

Lois: "That's just... messed up." At least to her it was. But she really didn't want to think about that. She missed her cousin. Especially since the other woman was someone she could talk to about her problems.

Clark: "I know," he admits. "But who knows? Maybe she'll be back for round three."

Lois: "Is there anyone else you'd ever want around, Smallville?" She's curious.

Clark: He pauses.

"Diana, maybe. I didn't get much of a chance to get to know her, but apparently she'll be a close friend of mine in the future. I'd like to get to know her." He thinks a bit more. "Otherwise... I'd rather avoid wishing this place upon people."

Lois: "Because you're stuck and can't go home?" She asks watching him. A part of her wants to go home. Back to Smallville but there's that other part of her that doesn't want to. Not when Clark was here.

Clark: "No. If I had my way, I wouldn't leave until every last person had safely gotten out and gone home."

Lois: "The great Clark Kent. Bringer of Peace and Justice. Righting wrongs." She teases giving him a smile. "Has a nice ring to it."

Clark: Clark smiles and looks away briefly, but then he leans in close to her, as if he's going to kiss her. He doesn't, though; instead, he just tells her, playfully, "It's Superman, who fights for truth and justice."

Lois: "Oh truth and justice. That's even better. That'd be one hell of a story." She says giving him a slight smirk. "One hell of a paper too. 'My Interview with Superman'." Though she's only teasing.

Clark: "It was a good article. Probably your best yet," Clark teases.

Lois: That causes her to blink before looking over at him. "Don't tell me that something like that has been done before." Because she's not read the WHOLE journal yet.

Clark: He decides to just hold that one above her head for a second, just to be mean. With a big smile, he continues:

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe. It's always a possibility."

Lois: "And even if it wasn't I've got my own personal Superman right here just in case we ever decided to go for that interview."

Clark: He notes how fast she slips into using the name, and he feels a bit of pride stir in him. Superman. All the time, it feels less like a dream and more like reality.

"Of course."
Lois: Lois can't help that the name seems to just... fit. And it slides easy from the tongue. So to speak. "Just no rooftops." She says with a teasing air. "Not unless we're flying." That was something she'd actually enjoyed with him. Even if it had been a bit weird to do it had felt nice to be that close.

Clark: "What do you have against rooftops?" he asks.

Lois: "I was teasing, Smallville." She says with a slight shake of her head. "I don't have anything against them. Best place to be with a man who can fly." She smirks.

Clark: That smile tugs at his lips.


Lois: "Good?" She asks with a raised brow. "Why good?"

Clark: "Just is," Clark smiles. "Might be spending a lot of time up there."

Lois: Lois gives a smile. "Is that so? Now why on earth would we do that?"

Clark: "Good meeting place when you're with a man who can fly."

Lois: "Better than trying to fly out of a window I guess." She teases since that's what they'd done when she'd first gotten into Paradisa.

Clark: "Definitely. Fewer bumped heads."

Lois: "Although I will say that flying seems to be relaxing and helps with sleep issues." Though she's mainly teasing. But to an extent it was true since it had helped her sleep that night.

Clark: "I don't think I've ever seen you sleep so fast and so heavily before," Clark says, and then pauses, to think. "Other than when you've been drinking."

Lois: "Okay we are NOT going to get into how I get when I'm drunk. That was just..." She shakes her head. "Then again waking up in your jersey had me a bit confused at first."

Clark: "Who said anything about that time?" Clark replies, raising his eyebrows and smiling.

Lois: She gives him a smile before shaking her head. "Then tell me, Clark Kent, what time are you referring to?"

Clark: "I was being general."

Lois: "So what plans do we have for today again?"

Clark: "Coffee, and whatever else comes to mind."

Lois: "I wouldn't say that last part." She teases. "Might be dangerous."

Clark: Clark rolls his eyes, though it's good-natured. "PG-13, please."

Lois: "Well we're a bit young for the rated R version." She says with a laugh.

Clark: "Right."

Lois: "So coffee and then we'll just walk around town till something catches our eye."

Clark: "Something like that. There's lots to do and see here."

Lois: "Only something like that? Or maybe I need a better view of the city." She says teasingly.

Clark: Clark smiles, and shakes his head. "I don't fly by day when I can avoid it, Lois."

Lois: "Who said anything about during the day, Smallville? I didn't."

Clark: "Sometime later, then," he says.

Lois: "Should I start coming to you if I have trouble sleeping then?" It's mainly teasing. Normally when she has trouble sleeping she explores the castle.

Clark: "If you think it'd help."

Lois: "Well we saw how effect it was. So it might." It was something to consider.


clark kent (superman), lois lane

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