it's just a double date

Dec 05, 2009 11:45

Who: Anya & Captain Hammer + Billy & Willow
What: It's a Double Date
When: Saturday Afternoon
Where: Paradisa Putt Academy
Rating: PG

Despite the snow on the ground, Anya made her way toward the MiniGolf building. It wasn't as if anyone couldn't see it from the city, the dome over the top of it was quite suspicious. They had all decided to simply meet there, since it was easier for Anya. She still had a bit of a headache from the drinking the night before, but she'd managed to get up early enough to swing by her shop (force of habit) and make sure things were fine for the day.

Then she headed toward the place of the double date. Captain Hammer seemed decent enough, different, but decent. At the very least she could understand how it was difficult for people to accept someone so blunt and forthright, even if it was more than slightly cocky behind all of that blunt behavior.

Opening the door to the golf, she was immediately greeted with the warmth of the environment. It felt comfortable, like a nice summers day. Taking off her jacket, she hung it on one of the hooks on the wall, and continued toward the front desk. It appeared that she was the first to arrive, so she signed up the foursome and picked out the golf ball that was purple with the hot pink spiral around it.

Then she waited, hoping she wasn't too early, for the others.

captain hammer, willow rosenberg, billy/dr. horrible, anya christina emmanuella jenkins

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