(no subject)

Oct 10, 2009 14:53

Who: Ruby and Sam
What: Waking up for the roommate swap/off loss
When: Early Saturday morning
Where: Sam & Ruby's new room
Rating: PG-13 Language?

Her shoulder ached, and even having Lucifer offer to find someone to fix it wasn't going to make anything better. She had knocked Dean out, Cas had shot her -- who knew what was going on with them now. Whatever line of trust she had built out, she was pretty sure was gone now. Every time she shifted in her sleep she winced in pain, and turned again to press weight off of her shoulder.

At some point though she had been able to drift off to sleep, Lucifer was looming somewhere in the room, which hadn't made the rest she was trying to get any easier. Then at some point that morning she felt an arm lace around her waist. It felt familiar, and it felt right. It barely stirred her awake for a moment as she settled back into the warmth.

Then panic boiled up under her skin as she startled herself awake. Bolting upright in the bed she pushed away from him, her eyes wild and darting with distrust. Her shoulder hit the wall, which made her cry out in pain for a moment before she shifted to keep her distance.

"Get the hell away from me!"

ruby {demon}, sam winchester

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