
Oct 04, 2009 06:09

Who: Tifa Lockhart and Open
What: Tifa's been around for a few days and decides to do a little exploring
When: October 4th; Late Morning
Where: the gardens
Rating: PGish; will update if subject to chanbe

Tifa couldn't remember the last time she had seen so much color for fall weather. It was probably the last time she had spent a fall at her home town, back as a teenager. Midgar and the newly formed Edge certainly didn't have trees that would be able to make leaves of any sort let alone the ones that were fallen on to the ground now.

The plant life reminded her that there was an old friend she needed to pay a visit too. She still wasn't quite sure if she ready for such an event. Though, Tifa knew that it was something that still needed to happen.

She had been there for a good handful of days now, and decided it was time to do a bit of exploring. If she was going to be stuck here, Tifa wanted to know the layout of grounds as much as she could. Just in case one of those surprises Cloud and Reno told her about happened while she was around. It was still a bit hard to believe that the both of them has been around for almost a year. Of course, considering what she had been through in her lifetime, time paradoxes weren't all that strange. At least, she didn't think they were...maybe.

With her hands behind her back, Tifa walked through the garden, taking in the site of it all. She kicked a few of the fallen leaves as she did, for good measure.

tifa lockhart, shawn spencer

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