
Sep 23, 2009 14:59

Who: Guts and Grimmjow and Vergil, oh my. And Ino LOL. And Yoruichi. What can I say it turned into an orgy.
What: Surprise buttsecks! EPIC BATTORU DESU!
When: This morning before Raidou went off of his loss.
Where: Guts' house in town, yeah idke.
Rating: R by default.

Knock knock, motherfucker! )

grimmjow jeagerjaques, guts, vergil, yamanaka ino, shihouin yoruichi

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berserkism September 23 2009, 22:53:09 UTC
As luck would have it, Guts had stirred only moments previous to the door being unceremoniously kicked down by an unusual warning from his Brand - not the type on the level of a demon, but something certainly similar to one. Luckier still was the fact that the Black Swordsman had taken up the habit - years ago - of sleeping with his sword.

Crouched against the wall with the Dragonslayer over a shoulder, he was on his guard in an instant, bringing himself to his feet and grasping the handle of the massive blade, eyes flashing towards the bed where Ino had been sleeping. His muscles tensed, the familiar necessity of old battle instincts awakening in a second jolting into action. Guts was far too used to coming under attack in a moment's notice.

This wasn't good.

But who the fuck was this? No human, by the looks of him, nor the signals he was getting from the Brand - and what the hell was with the bones on his face? But more telling than both was the psychotic grin on his face.

It just screamed play time.

His good eye narrowed slightly as he relaxed his iron arm slightly; if this shithead intended to pick a fight, Guts was at a disadvantage indoors, hampered by walls and the ceiling. He slowly positioned himself between Ino and their kindly visitor, and fixing the blue-haired freak with a displeased glare, he said;

"Ino, did you send out invitations for a tea party without asking me? Who the fuck is this?"


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