Who: Elle & Deadpool
What: Burritos and Chimichangas
When: Wednesday Lunch Time
Where: Random Mexican Restaurant in City Royale
Rating: PG-13 (language?)
It wasn't the usual thing for Elle to do. She didn't bid on guys she didn't know, and she didn't make arrangements to hang out with the person that beat her out for him either. The very fact though that a guy did beat her out to buy a date with, well a guy, was pretty amusing at least. Plus Deadpool seemed interesting. Well interesting was putting it mildly, in reality she was assuming he was just like all of the other caped guys running around in spandex.
Sylar wanted to kill Wally West, and she was always on a constant annoyed or understanding trend with Kyle. The main thing though was that she didn't have very many friends in the castle, or at least not a lot of people that she could just go hang out with. She clung to Molly and Sylar when things went down, and she feared that when they left that she'd be left alone.
This was a start at least, meeting someone knew, having some Mexican food and learning something about someone that actually was named Deadpool. It had potential to be either a disaster or a good thing, and there wasn't any way to just guess that sort of thing. Rather than over think it, she went through with the plans and headed down to the lobby to meet him. At least they knew what the other looked like, so it didn't have that odd blind-date feel that most over-the-journal plans had.