
Aug 20, 2009 00:05

Who: Elle & Gabriel/Sylar
What: Ending the Loss Starting the Awkward
When: Thursday 12:06 am
Where: Elle's room.
Rating: R for nudity and potential swearing

Things Were Easier When I'd Just Forget )

elle bishop, sylar

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touchwithaspark August 20 2009, 05:37:13 UTC
It was the worst answer she could've happened upon, because it meant that once more she had been shown exactly what she'd never have. The only family she ever had kept her as their own little project, and the only future she had was to finish out her death on the beach. Pulling the sheet around her a bit more she glanced to him. It was her room, but she was slowly tugging the sheet away from him as well, and she knew that if she was naked...

"I didn't... I mean I shouldn't have, even, I hate this place sometimes."


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touchwithaspark August 20 2009, 05:52:44 UTC
Shaking her head she felt the sheet tug, and she knew that she had been halted in reclaiming any more of the bedding for herself. Her hand brushed up against her forehead, sweeping her bangs back a bit as her elbow rested to a drawn up need, holding her head up as she tried to not get too upset over how easily the castle could toy with her.

Inhaling she tried to remain calm, but she couldn't help the crackle of energy that triggered between her fingers. Shaking her hand out a bit she tucked it closer to herself, "If - if you turn toward the wall, I can get up and get dressed... and I can go into the other room."


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touchwithaspark August 20 2009, 06:00:57 UTC
It hurt a lot to hear it, but it was what reality was. It wasn't her happy with anyone, it was her - the crackle of energy making her stand out and the fact that she had to be alone. Standing up she felt the chill on her skin as she moved to get dressed quickly. She wanted to check on Molly, but instead she just moved out of the bedroom and into the front room.

Everything had shifted back, except Mr. Muggles was still asleep on the little doggie bed that had been set up for him. Sighing she watched as her breathing woke him up for a moment. He glanced to her and then settled back down as she found a spot on the couch.

Pressed to the arm of it she pulled her knees to her chest and tried to consider just walking out, just keep walking until she didn't hear the castle, or the people, or any of it anymore.


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touchwithaspark August 20 2009, 06:18:25 UTC
She wasn't crying, well at least she didn't think she was, her vision was fine, it was just a little blurry when she blinked. So she stopped blinking and just shut her eyes, waiting for the sound of a door to open and then close. She'd check to see if Molly was still twelve, if the others had been on a loss as well... if she hadn't been the only one stuck living this life.

Her stomach twisted up a bit, the knot that had arrived when she woke up, now feeling like it was trying to curl up her entire body into it. At least she could breathe, and that felt like some sort of accomplishment.


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touchwithaspark August 20 2009, 06:36:49 UTC
Elle was surprised he hadn't left already, but she glanced up to him, letting her hand move to behind her head as she nodded, "She's probably asleep right now... I'll check on her in the morning."

Trying to figure out what to say she wasn't coming up with much of anything at all, "I'm sorry."

It wasn't her fault, and she knew that but she still felt responsible in some way, because now - now that it was over she'd have to deal with it all, and what it didn't mean. Which was always the hard part. Claire wasn't her sister, she didn't get along with her, Claire didn't even like her. Gabriel wasn't her husband, he hadn't loved her, and they didn't have a kid together. Gabriel wasn't even Gabriel here -- he was Sylar and Sylar had loved Mohinder and she knew she was clearly never going to be him.


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touchwithaspark August 20 2009, 06:46:39 UTC
Nodding she took in a breath, "You don't have to stay. I'll be fine. I just - I need to forget."


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touchwithaspark August 20 2009, 07:03:17 UTC
The door shutting had woken up Mr. Muggles again who this time actually got up out of the bed and crossed the floor. Little paws pressed to the bottom of the couch cushion as his nose pressed to Elle's foot. Reaching down she scooped him up and he climbed into her lap awkwardly curling up there to fall back asleep.

All she could do is focus on the silence in the room and hope that whatever the day would bring would feel a bit less like the nothing she felt right now.


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