
Jul 04, 2009 23:48

Who: Wally West and Bellatrix Lestrange
What: A DATE!
When: Tonight, after the Potluck
Where: Meeting in the hall
Rating: PG-13?

That shit head is her nephew? )

wally west

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la_plus_fidele July 5 2009, 04:30:25 UTC
There's a sharp crack and she appears at the bottom of the stairs, dressed sleekly in black silk - 3/4 sleeve top and a skirt almost touching the ground. She has a small bag with little inside it, save her wand.


scarletspeedsta July 5 2009, 05:09:24 UTC
Wally sees her and hopes that's the girl he's about to have dinner with. He stands up straight and calls out to her, "Bellatrix?"


la_plus_fidele July 5 2009, 05:12:02 UTC
She's hardly still a girl - easily in her late twenties, but still very much a beauty, and will be until she spends all those years in Azkaban.

"Indeed." There's the faintest wisp of a smirk, but it vanishes.


scarletspeedsta July 5 2009, 05:19:57 UTC
Hell yeah, she's a beauty. He walks up to her, smiling down at her. He's fairly tall and built, and young. Twenty-one. He looks like your average man, or as she might put it, 'muggle'.

"Hey, babe, Wally West." He holds out his hand. "You figured out what you want to eat yet?"


la_plus_fidele July 5 2009, 05:23:15 UTC
She looks him over once, but can tell he's not what he seems. Legilimency can do that for you. She raises an eyebrow slightly at being called "babe", but seems to be amused by it.

"Surprise me."


scarletspeedsta July 5 2009, 05:34:22 UTC
He grinned. She was fun, not boring like the other women he'd met here. He shakes his hand at her.

"Come on, take my hand. You don't cross me as the kinda woman who'd be afraid of anything... but you're not afraid of high speeds are you?"


la_plus_fidele July 5 2009, 05:36:10 UTC
"High speeds?"
But she does take his hand, while closing her other hand around the wand in her purse.


scarletspeedsta July 5 2009, 06:02:28 UTC
He pulls her in and picks her up, holding her tight. "Don't worry, I won't drop you."

In just under four seconds he runs into the kitchen and stops abruptly, holding her tight so she doesn't get whip lash or fall out of his grasp.

"And we're here. I'll make dinner." He sets her down gently. Wally forgot to warn her he was a speedster.


la_plus_fidele July 5 2009, 14:02:35 UTC
When they stop, her wand is out, but she laughs.

"I'm not sure if that was better or worse than a portkey."


scarletspeedsta July 5 2009, 16:47:58 UTC
He smiles at her laugh, then makes his way over to the fridge and begins searching it for something to make them for dinner.

"Well, babe, I dunno what a 'portkey' is, but usually chicks tell me speedruns are fun." He grabs seven jars of spaghetti sauce and places them on the counter. "Spaghetti? It's the only thing I know how to make well." Then searches all the pantries util he finds the pasta, and grabs ten boxes.

"Hmm..", he mutters, "I dunno if this will be enough..." He looks up at her. "So! Bet you're glad I'm not a... 'snuggle' or whatever you called it, huh? So what does that make you, anyway?"


la_plus_fidele July 5 2009, 17:09:27 UTC
She's not going to bother explaining what a portkey is.

To his question of spaghetti, she responds, "Pourquoi pas. And it's 'muggle'. I am a witch."

She shoots a few multi-colored sparks out of her wand, just for show, before stowing it back in her bag.


scarletspeedsta July 5 2009, 17:26:46 UTC
He stops what he's doing once she does that and runs over to her in a nanosecond. "You're a witch? That's sexy, Bellatrix. And what does ..'pourquoi pas' mean?'"

He runs back over to the stove and sets a large pot of water to boil. He stares at it impatiently. He touches the pot, his hand vibrating so fast she probably couldn't tell.

Suddenly the water begins to boil a lot. "Hey! It worked. You can probably to like, abra kadabra and make the noddles soft right away, right?" He says this slightly hopeful.


la_plus_fidele July 5 2009, 17:30:21 UTC
"It's French, for 'why not', and most people call me Bella."

She watches, slightly impressed, but then grimaces ever so slightly as his obvious request.
"Sorry... kitchen spells were always more of - Andromeda's forte."


scarletspeedsta July 5 2009, 17:53:48 UTC
He shrugs, then dumps all the pasta that can fit into the pot in. It seems to be enough pasta to feed at least twenty people. "Hmm... This won't really make enough... Eh, whatever, I'll eat later."

He touches the pot and makes it hotter, then makes his way over to her and sits ontop of the counter in front of her. "So, tell me about yourself Bella." He looks down at her and rests his chin on his knuckles


la_plus_fidele July 5 2009, 18:55:53 UTC
She supposes he must eat a lot, but doesn't make any acknowledgment that anything is amiss.

"What is it you want to know? I am a powerful witch, of high lineage, and I am the Dark Lord's Most trusted lieutenant."

She brushes her left hand through her hair, inadvertently showing him the Dark Mark she has on the inside of that forearm. It is brown and faint because she has no contact with him here, and might be mistaken for a birthmark at first, though a closer look will reveal its true nature.


scarletspeedsta July 5 2009, 19:56:17 UTC
He nods, although he didn't really know what she meant. He noticed the marking on her arm, but didn't say anything. Sometimes girls are touchy about that stuff. All he understood was that she was a lieutenant, so went with that ( ... )


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