↓ 045 fall out of lightning 012 ϟ

Jun 11, 2009 11:23

Who: Elle Bishop & Kutner
What: Ruby drops Elle off at the clinic for help
When: Early Thursday Morning (5am)
Where: Clinic in the castle
Rating: PG13

The thing that worried Ruby the most at the moment, was that Elle was worse off than she had assumed she'd be. It was the fact that within two days she'd been possessed, let go and tortured, and now possessed again that was taking a toll on the body. Elle had been through the worst of it and survived, and now getting her the help she needed was the foremost thought in her mind. The injuries didn't bother her though, with the exception of the slight limp that was making her take a lot longer. Finding her way back to the castle, without really having too many onlookers catch sight of her wasn't too difficult this early in the morning.

Either that or it was just too commonplace for someone to be wandering through the city this banged up.

Sam and her had spoken the night before, and Ruby was now realizing just how far gone the Sam she cared about was. Being honest with herself took some thinking, but trying to get back Sam through this loss was about the dumbest thing she'd done. If she wasn't already in such deep shit with him before, now when he came back it'd be even worse.

She should've stopped him. Laughing a bit Elle's voice echoed in her mind as she realized that the way Elle looked, Ruby might not have been able to stop him. Trying to stop him might make him lash out, might make him do something far worse than just beat up the blonde that Ruby was walking into the clinic.

Pulling the castle doors open Ruby felt Elle, slip out of it again inside of her. "Don't you dare die on me," Ruby lectured to the body she was wearing.

Pushing into the clinic she knew how it looked, because it looked bad, "Hello? Anyone? I have to explain what's going on here and if I leave before I can explain, Elle might die."

elle bishop, ruby {demon}, lawrence kutner

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