This is how you run...

Jun 04, 2009 18:39

Who: Wally West/The Flash & Bart Allen
What: Wally teaches Bart how to be a better person?
When: Today; however long Bart can stand Wally and vice versa.
Where: In Bart's room
Rating: G I hope? lol

"Hold out your arm..."

To be honest, Bart made Wally sort of nervous. It wasn't that he was at all intimidated by Bart, it was just that Wally never really impressed Bart the way Barry had. Also, where Wally was from, Bart was his little cousin. He wasn't used to being the same age as the kid. And he had never had to teach someone how to hone their speed. But most things weren't too planned out for Wally, anyway.

"Alright, tighten your bicep for starters. Just flex your whole arm. Now, while still flexing, vibrate your arm as fast as you can. Don't think about me or anything around you... including these annoying animals. Just think: faster."

....He hoped he sounded cool.

bart allen, wally west

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