(no subject)

Dec 18, 2008 11:51

Who: Meta Knight metaknightly and Pit dafiteison
What: Brawl on the roof lol
When: After this
Where: The roof
Rating: PG-13 may escalate into R if we're that dirty :I

Meta Knight shivered in the cold, hoping Pit would chase after him instead of leaving him on the roof to freeze by himself. He didn't doubt that the angel was now capable of doing such things, but that confrontation...

The now young knight shivered again. He had been reverted back to the human stage called "adolescence" or "the teenage years" as some books called it, but he had no experience dealing with such a hassling life cycle. Pit made his body chill in this state, his words echoing in the knight's head.

"Don't deny it! Somewhere deep down, we both have those feelings- this never would have happened otherwise.."

"Or would it..." He mused to himself. Their relationship was platonic and he hoped to keep it that way.

Inwardly he knew those words were true. A small part of him did want to expand their relationship, but the thought never came up until now. Regardless, he knew it would be wrong to do such a thing. Even if Pit found out, he'd have to apologize to him. The real him. The way of the knight is self-denial of such earthly desires, no matter how hard it is to accomplish.

meta knight, pit

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