
Jun 26, 2008 15:33

Who: Gaara and Matsuri
What: He's finding out his hormones are fucked :|
Where: 919
When: Naaaao.
Rating: PG-13 - M-Maybe R, but definitely not as far as NC-17.


matsuri, gaara

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matsuri_of_suna June 26 2008, 20:54:24 UTC
His behavior was... a little different than usual...

She had no idea why anything would change without warning. The concept of suffering temporary losses in Paradisa was still fairly foreign to her, even though she constantly kept her own detrimental loss of pain in mind. For that reason, she and Gaara were always together whenever she wanted to train, and she was very conscious of his attentive gaze on her lithe form as her body twisted in motion of her rapid movement. The sand wielder was acting like her sensei again, giving her advice to improve her stance and technique, and for a while, she could reflect upon those memories with fondness.

Being in close proximity with Gaara so constantly made it that much harder for her not to act on her feelings, but he had made it fairly clear that engaging in a romantic relationship was out of the question. Despite her longing for the young man, she certainly had no intentions to push him. It seemed as though he was in discomfort now, however, and she wanted to offer any kind of assistance that she could, not knowing exactly what it was that Gaara truly needed.

"Oh... is there anything I can do to help you?" Matsuri asked him softly, her dark eyes innocent and absent of any fear or inhibitions.


livingsandbox June 26 2008, 21:03:15 UTC
Gaara was unsure what to say at first. Sitting up, he gazed at her for a long moment, his tongue darting out to lick his lips once more. She looked so harmless, so vulnerable, and he found that it wasn't helping him in the slightest. His eyes broke away from her finally, staring instead at the wall as he crossed his arms over his chest. The food was unwanted at the moment - his appetite was not one of normal hunger.

"Unless you can find some way to relieve stress, I am afraid not," he muttered. He had entirely forgotten Gin and his teachings towards Matsuri - or, well, at least why he had taught her. He was far too busy thinking of other things. His head rested against the wall behind his bed, his knees bent and he dangled one arm over them as he gazed out the window on the far wall.


matsuri_of_suna June 26 2008, 21:13:06 UTC
So apparently, Gaara didn't seem to be hungry either. Not that she minded all too much, because she could always give the food to one of her other friends, the late risers that got out of bed early in the afternoon rather than rising with the sun.

She was all too-easily entranced with his cool turquoise eyes when he stared at her directly, and that was further exemplified by the strange look in them... almost predatory, as if he wanted to hunt and catch her, his meek prey...

Shaking her head free of those strange and somewhat intimidating thoughts, Matsuri scrambled for the last phrase he told her, and finally managed to respond in a shy tone, "Oh... well, actually, there is something I can do for that..."

Memories of the sessions she had with Gin quickly came to mind - even though Greed had warned her to stay away from men like that, she was still secretly grateful for his teachings... in a way. If she could bring Gaara just the slightest bit of satisfaction and relief, then it had all been worth her while... in spite of the confusion she generated because of those baffling events.


livingsandbox June 26 2008, 21:23:20 UTC
Gaara's head turned towards her quickly, his forehead wrinkled slightly in confusion. The thought of her helping him was much of a relief - and he hoped that it might actually work. Keeping those cool eyes on her, he gave her a gentle nod, motioning for her to come closer to him and moving over on the bed. He wasn't quite sure what she planned on doing, but if it helped him, he would of course be eternally grateful.

Absentmindedly, his hand clasped hers when she was close enough, his throat tightening for a moment as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. That unique scent she carried made his body twitch, but he was trying to ignore it with all his might. He couldn't just give into desires when they peeked - if he did, he would have been far more careless then he ever wanted himself to be.

"What exactly can you do to help?" He muttered, his eyes reopening and staring at her, slightly laced with the desire that he was trying so hard to keep at bay.


matsuri_of_suna June 26 2008, 21:33:24 UTC
Her breath hitched in her throat at the unexpected physical contact, and she almost jumped with surprise, but kept as calm as she could while inwardly wondering if maybe Gaara was sick. He looked perfectly fine by sight alone, strong and healthy with his regal, albeit somewhat stiff and formal stature, and yet it was possible that he could be in the process of falling ill. Of course, he had good friends like Naruto to help with the situation if he was ever in an unpleasant state, but Matsuri wanted to try too, hoping she could prove her usefulness to him by providing support when and whichever way he needed it.

His deep voice was soothing to her ears... tingling with just the faintest hint of suppressed need. The girl had never seen Gaara being so open with her that she felt the light of hope igniting deep inside her, in spite of the fact that her mind was telling her to be cautious.

"Are you, um... feeling tense...?" Those words came out in almost a whisper as she broke their intense eye contact to allow her gaze to drift downward, unable to prevent her heart from beating faster and faster at being so close to him.


livingsandbox June 26 2008, 22:32:34 UTC
He stared at their hands as he entwined them, stroking the top of her own with his thumb gently as he did so. The action was somewhat soothing, yet it increased his need for contact, made it feel almost unbearable. He was relieved to have his senses about him for the moment, as he wasn't quite sure what he would do if he hadn't.

He nodded, eyes never leaving her, his lip going between his teeth for a moment. Tense was at least one word he would use to describe it. Aggressive, aroused, confused . . . Those were all things he surely would have used as well, some with a bit of embarrassment attached on to them. It was like being around an entirely different person - though the stoicism and clear naivity toward the situation was all very, very Gaara.

"You do not have to help me if you don't wish to. I . . ." He paused, thinking of how to phrase it. "I am not. . . quite myself today."


matsuri_of_suna June 26 2008, 23:08:04 UTC
"I want to," she insisted with an edge of firmness in her tone, and she felt completely comfortable in his presence, thinking there was no reason for her to be wary around someone she would entrust her life to... someone that she held dear inside her heart.

"Um, please lie down..." the girl told him softly, gesturing toward the bed as she reluctantly let go of his hand - she was liking his affectionate gesture a little too much, and his behavior confused her a great deal, so she had to try and grasp some normalcy again. "I'll be back in a minute."

With her heart still fluttering from the unusual incident, Matsuri headed into the bathroom and retrieved a bottle of lotion, her hand shaking a bit as she realized what she was about to do. Would Gaara even allow her to put her hands on him? He didn't like physical contact... not that she could tell with the way he had just been acting, though.

She returned to his side shortly and her voice was very soft as she informed the redhead, "Y-you have to take off your shirt, Gaara-sama..."


livingsandbox June 26 2008, 23:25:04 UTC
Gaara had gone to lay down, though on his back rather then his stomach as he was unaware of what to expect. He lay there, staring at the ceiling for a moment, just wondering. Why was she always so anxious to help him? Why did she care so deeply? He had never given her very strong affection or cause to do so. He though, even, that he had made it clear she was relatively unimportant to his existence. Yet, she stayed by his side, much like Naruto stood by Sasuke's regardless of how he was treated, and he wondered if this was what it was like to have someone feel a true bond with you. His forehead wrinkled in thought. What had happened between them after his death that would cause such a shift in her affections?

Unless they had always been there and he had missed them before. It was entirely plausible.

When she came back in, he lifted his head. Her words caused him pause for a moment, swallowing roughly. However, rather then object as he normally would have, he stood, removing the top garments rather slowly as he was unsure of whether to object at any moment. Once shirtless, he sat back down, pausing, before he laid on the bed once again. He had propped himself up some on the pillows this time, staring at her, and waiting.


matsuri_of_suna June 26 2008, 23:44:59 UTC
She looked away while he stripped off his upper attire, feeling her cheeks flame with embarrassment at the mere knowledge of what he was doing, and in such close vicinity to her, but she forced down the urge to just spring up and run back inside the bathroom for some water to cool her flushed skin.

Don't think about it... don't think about it... don't think about it...

Moments later, Matsuri returned her gaze to him and immediately blushed even deeper at seeing his naked chest; gulping nervously, she quickly averted her eyes and clicked open the cap of the bottle, noisily squirting lotion into the palm of her hand and then rubbing it into the other. Keeping her head ducked down, she placed both hands on his arm and slowly began squeezing his hard biceps with her nimble fingers, while unconsciously succumbing to the urge of licking her suddenly-dry lips. His skin felt... very warm, as if he was approaching a feverish state of some kind, not that she could tell for sure what was happening to him. Matsuri silently hoped that the soothing and cool lotion would be able to decrease the temperature, even if just a little.


livingsandbox June 27 2008, 00:10:49 UTC
He had expected to become tense at her touch, and while he had flinched lightly at first, his body had quickly relaxed into her hands, the feeling of the lotion and her skin causing a cooling, invigorating sensation to shoot through him. He had not experienced it before and he had taken a slightly deeper breath from it. The slightest touches were feeling so much . . . different then usual. So much better.

His eyes had caught her tongue darting out over her mouth. Gaara's breath hitched just slightly and he forced himself to look away, staring at the ceiling and trying to focus on relaxing rather then becoming that much more tense. His eyes closed, his own tongue darting over his lips, and his mouth was feeling quite a bit more dry then normal. His palms may have been sweating - he couldn't quite tell.

"Matsuri . . ." It came out as a sort of whisper, not filled with any particular emotion, though the rising and falling of his chest could have hinted at the piqued emotions inside of him that refused to die down. "I . . ." He couldn't even find the capability to finish his sentence, however, simply licking his lips again and taking his lower one lightly between his teeth.


matsuri_of_suna June 27 2008, 00:44:57 UTC
After kneading the muscles of his arm for some time, her small hands danced lightly across his chest, heading toward the one opposite, and her breaths came out in shaky little sighs as she struggled to control her own impulses that were dimly stirring to life. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and chewed on it as a gesture of nervousness, feeling somewhat perplexed when she realized that Gaara was growing more tense rather than the unwanted stress leaving his body, as his muscles would twitch occasionally under her watchful gaze.

When her hands grew dry, Matsuri poured more lotion into them and hesitated for a second before placing her palms upon his chest, which caused him to jolt slightly at the contact, but she tried to ignore the reaction because calling attention to it would just make the situation even more awkward than necessary. Even though taijutsu was his weakest aptitude, that apparently did not stop him from having hard, lean muscles all over his body, and his chest was a very obvious contrast to the smooth, yielding softness of her own hands... she bit her lower lip a little harder at the exciting notion of having this powerful man under her care.

"G-Gaara-sama...?" Matsuri mumbled softly in response to his sudden whisper, lifting her head just a bit to meet his gaze, and she was unable to hide the slight trembling that infiltrated her voice just then, making the beat of her rapidly-pounding heart sound so much louder in her ears...


livingsandbox June 27 2008, 01:13:16 UTC
When Gaara jolted from her touch it had caused his eyes to open, staring at her in semi-surprise as she ran her hands over his chest, though he didn't pause to even stop her. He had never felt a sensation like that before in his life and at the moment, he wasn't particularly keen on it ending. It was awkward - it should have been awkward, at least. He hated physical contact - affection - he would have stopped her and stormed away under normal circumstances, but now?

Now he looked at her almost desperately. His heart raced, his skin was still flaming hot despite the cool lotion and her soft touch, and his breath was coming much more shallowly then it had been. His hand went out to grab her wrist as it made it's way across his torso, his eyes closing as he took several deep breaths. What was he going to do? Pull away? Run?

His other arm went around her waist, his inhibitions apparently gone for the moment as he pulled her into the bed as well, holding her on top of him for a brief moment before he rolled them both over. While the one arm remained around her, the other had gone to prop himself up, pressing into the pillow near her head as he gazed down at her.

Hormones. Shuukaku. Moon. Loss. It had to be one of these things. It had to be.

But he would think about those logics later. His mind pushed them all away as he leaned down, his lips connecting with hers in a rather rough and most likely more passionate first kiss then he ever really would have imagined having with anyone, let alone his former student.


matsuri_of_suna June 27 2008, 01:30:39 UTC
He was staring at her so intensely... She could tell he needed something, but what was it?

Unless he told her outright, the girl just had the luxury of guessing, but that train of thought was swiftly derailed when he reached out and pulled her on top of him. That act stunned Matsuri to the point of completely freezing up, so she offered no protest when the lean redhead flipped their positions around without warning. Gaara covered her completely, molding every inch of his hard body intimately against her soft curves, and she gave into the initial reflexive instinct of struggling, unknowingly rubbing herself against him in a rather enticing manner.

She lay underneath him, glancing upward with widened eyes, a gasp slipping free of her lips at his unexpected aggression, although deep down inside, a part of her secretly liked what he was doing, even if it didn't make an ounce of sense... Gaara was so reserved, calm, and even emotionless at times that she found it hard to believe he could actually act toward her this way... particularly when he had never show any interest, which just confused the girl the more she tried to reason the situation. Not that she had a lot whole of time to do so.

She parted her lips to attempt asking Gaara a question when his head swooped down just then, cutting off her squeal of surprise with his sudden kiss, and her mouth stayed open while her brain shut down again, forcing her body to react on instinct alone. Her lithe form trembled as he pressed down upon her insistently, bruising her yielding lips with his fiery kiss, and when they parted for the need of air, Matsuri gasped soundly, locking gazes with him and allowing her partner to see the dim flames of desire lingering in her dark ebony eyes.


i could use this icon forever. livingsandbox June 27 2008, 01:57:43 UTC
Her struggles made the slightest of groans come from the back of his throat - the guttural noise almost more of an aroused growl then anything else. It felt good, despite that he knew they were supposed to be signs of unwanted actions. He knew it was supposed to a sign to pull back, to make sure she wanted this, but his body kept pushing onwards, screaming that he almost liked the thought of pushing, hurting, corrupting. . .

They were thoughts he'd always hated having.

When she pulled back from the kiss, her gasp made the slightest of grins twitch at his features, his lips moving instead to her throat, hands roaming down over her curves and feeling her through the fabric. He own desires, he own ache, it only caused him to be spurred on, to want more, to crave more. He used his hips to push her legs apart, pressing himself between her, barred only by their clothing as he did so. He could feel the heat from her skin through the material and part of him had the desire to tear the fabric that was keeping him from her away.

His teeth grazed over the flesh of her throat, his hand that still held her pulling her body as close to his as he could get it. The primitive groan once again erupted from him, despite the efforts to clear his head, to stop himself. He had to regain to control.


then i'll use this one because she's melting under your hot gaze, Gaara <3 matsuri_of_suna June 27 2008, 02:17:30 UTC
Her heart skipped a beat at the feel of his hot breath fanning against her sensitive throat, and a passing thought caused Matsuri to wonder how he would react if she slid her arm around his neck and pulled him down toward her... allow him to leave his mark on her skin so he could claim her...

She began to shift restlessly, squirming and moving right against him, and her clothes suddenly felt so tight and uncomfortable... but how could she take them off when Gaara was on top of her? And did she really want to do that...? Just how far was she willing to go with these doubts hovering in the back of her mind? Emotionally, she ached for him; physically, her body was ready and willing to receive him...

Gaara-sama... I feel so... hot...

Heaving an ardent breath, Matsuri slipped her arms around his neck, holding him with endearing affection as her heart continued to race, hesitant about continuing their embrace, and yet not wanting to part from him, because she had waited so long for the smallest sign of romantic desire. Daring to be a little bold, her hands slowly slid down along his sides, her nails curled to drag a light tickling sensation over his skin, stopping at his hips, where his pants were in the way, and with his face near her throat, she leaned her head over to press her cheek against the wiry strands of his dark red hair.


I can understand why oh man :O livingsandbox June 27 2008, 03:04:15 UTC
The feeling of her arms around him, her nails digging into his skin, it caused him to let out the slightest of pleasurable cries, his hands going to grip her hips roughly. It heightened his need, made him ache harder, and he could feel the little bit of clothing he still wore becoming increasingly uncomfortable to wear. He tried to ignore it. He kissed, bit, and sucked at her skin, leaving it red, marking her as she'd wanted - as he'd wanted. Claiming her, making her his, possessing. It was all he could think of.

Gaara's hands finally rose to her shirt, gripping it, tugging at it, and finally deciding it was too much effort to try and maneuver to lift it off. His hand gripped the top roughly before he tore it open, the pieces of fabric breaking rather easily under the force. Her skin exposed, he pressed his chest against hers once more, the feeling of skin on skin far more pleasing to his needs. He wanted - needed - ached for more and her name escaped his lips in a heavy growl because of it.


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