
Jun 25, 2008 10:48

Who: Blue Beetle ( khaji_da ) Matsuri (matsuri_of_suna)
What: Meeting at the Carnival
When: Backdated to the 23rd
Where: Candy Apple stand
Rating: G

Carnival~ )

blue beetle, matsuri

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matsuri_of_suna June 25 2008, 16:01:07 UTC
Paradisa never ceased to surprise her.

The girl had woken up that morning to discover the carnival right outside of her window, and even though she had never been to one before, it looked like a lot of fun just on sight alone. Curious about it, Matsuri checked her journal to see if anyone else had commented on the event, and after getting some answers, she definitely wanted to go out there. With her bountiful energy and dogged persistence, she managed to convince her anti-social roommate to leave their room and attend the festivities.

Unfortunately, they were separated sometime during the hustle and bustle of the crowd. Disappointment flickered over her expression, but she perked up upon remembering one of her new friends mentioning an item that she should try: a blue caramel apple... It sounded like a sweet treat, one that she would surely enjoy.

And so Matsuri went in search of the stand, not knowing what Blue Beetle looked like, but figuring there had to be a sign or some kind of indication that caramel apples were being sold at the particular booth.


khaji_da June 25 2008, 16:26:30 UTC
Blue found it odd that the villagers insisted on paying for the treats. He told him over and over again that didn’t have to, but they would take the treat until he took their money. There did happen to be a little box next to him with a money sign on it. He just put it in there. The Castles doing probably, but why play favorites? The castle residents wouldn’t likely insist on paying like the villagers. They were all used to getting things for free, right?

The size of the selection of candy apples that he had amazed him. Some with chocolate on them, some with different types of nuts, some with pieces of candy. He never even knew there was this many different types. The most that he had ever seen was the basic red apple. He did have those too, but the other types seemed to over shadow the generic red. There were also the caramel apples. He had never tried them himself, but they did look pretty good.

Blue would be pretty easy to spot, cause like his namesake, he was blue and had a bug shaped thing on his back.


matsuri_of_suna June 25 2008, 18:46:36 UTC
Matsuri knew that many people from all different worlds had been brought to Paradisa, but she had no idea it was THIS many. She was only acquainted with a few herself, and had talked to others using the journal, but she only met a small sprinkle of her new friends in person. Her curiosity of this foreign new world made her feel eager to see everyone that she had spoken or written to, even if she wouldn't know how to react to someone that was not human. After all, the inhabitants of the Hidden Sand Village were regular humans, so that just happened to be an aspect she was accustomed to.

Still, Matsuri knew better than to judge anyone based on appearances alone, and upon catching sight of a booth that had many different colored apples arranged in a fashion to attract attention, she quickly made her way there with an expectant smile.

The person behind the booth was blue... after blinking in surprise at the sight, the girl timidly approached him and asked, "Um, excuse me... are you Blue Beetle-san?"


khaji_da June 25 2008, 21:30:07 UTC
Paradisa was indeed an amazing place. Blue had never found himself on an almost sentient place where he could get anything that he wanted. He looked over to the girl that came up to his stand. He smiled and nodded his head. “Yep. That is me. And you’re the girl I was talking to on the journal, right? Matsuri?”

No one else that he had met in the castle ever added ‘san’ after his name. Not that it bothered him at all. It was just different from what he was used to. “Have you been enjoying the Carnival?” This Carnival was like the ones he went to back in his world, but it was somewhat different as well. The ones he went to didn’t have as many rides as this one does. HE was really excited to go on a lot of them. He had his duty to this stand, but after a couple of hours, he was totally closing it down so he could go and enjoy himself.


matsuri_of_suna June 25 2008, 21:40:28 UTC
"Yes, I'm Matsuri," she answered and then bowed politely in greeting - her parents had raised her with proper manners, and such was the reason why she addressed other people's with the "san" suffix, or she would even give them formal titles depending on their ranking and authority over her.

The Carnival of Paradisa didn't resemble the festivals back home in Suna at all, but aside from the different dress code, she was used to seeing people bustling around and hearing the excited chatter of the younger residents - she was rather surprised to see children present. It almost made her feel sad at witnessing their presences. Did they leave their homes unannounced and come here by themselves? If so, then their parents would surely feel worried...

"Mmm, I'm having fun so far," Matsuri told him in a lighthearted tone as she tilted her head to the side a bit. "Um, have you had a chance to leave your booth yet? You should take a look around too... There are a lot of things to do here."


khaji_da June 25 2008, 22:26:37 UTC
“It’s nice to officially meet you, Maysuri.” He said as he smiled once more. He shook his head to her question.. “No. Not yet.” He looked around a bit at all the people enjoying themselves. “But I will! I don’t mind sitting here and selling stuff.” There was no telling if the Carnival would be open all night..but if it was, then there probably wouldn’t be man lines. The rides did seem to run themselves. So they probably could just run all night..but who knew! It would be pretty cool if they did, though.

“Well your fun should continue as long as nothing bad happens.” It was hard not to be suspicious of the castle after what it did not more than two weeks ago. “ Have you tried any of the food here yet?” If not, then he would definitely recommend the candy apples. Mainly just because he was selling them. And they are pretty much the perfect carnival food..next to cotton candy.


matsuri_of_suna June 26 2008, 04:09:16 UTC
Of course, Matsuri had no knowledge of what the castle did to the residents before, since she was so new to Paradisa. But she had heard stories of the curses and random sudden losses that some of the people suffered... and it worried her as she wondered when that was going to happen to her. The loss that she suffered upon arriving in the place had shaken her up enough, and she didn't need additional reasons to feel anxious.

"No, not yet..." she replied and candidly glanced at the candy apples on the table, her gaze lingering upon the blue one in particular, since Blue Beetle had recommended it to her. "I'd like to try one of these candy apples, but I don't have any money..."


khaji_da June 27 2008, 17:50:11 UTC
“You don’t need to pay anything for one.” He had been saying that to village residents all day, but they didn’t seem to get it. “The castle provided me with a lot of them, so I’m not charging anything. Which kind of apple would you like, Matsuri?”

Money really has no value here in a world where everything is just..given to you. He didn’t even know where the castle folk got te money that they gave him. It was his first time seeing any form of currency around in this place. Maybe at some point in this places history, they had to use money to pa for things. But that was only if the castle only gave the castle residents stuff for free and no the villagers.

[ooc: fkdsfsjd Sorry about not responding yesterday! I had a hectic and busy day.]


matsuri_of_suna June 27 2008, 18:02:41 UTC
"Oh... really?" Matsuri was just a little surprised to hear that, but then again, she should have expected no less by now. Different world, different rules, she was quickly discovering, and if money was not an important issue in this mysterious realm, then she wouldn't push the issue upon anyone. Of course, she had no currency from her own world on her at present, since the girl arrived in Paradisa with nothing but her weapons and a pair of pajamas.

"You said the blue one tasted good, right?" She asked him with a soft smile, and really, it wasn't hard to tell why Blue Beetle preferred that particular color - his outward appearance was rather different from others, but he didn't look bad. In fact, she thought that attribute made him more unique. "Can I please have a blue caramel apple, Blue Beetle-san?"

(OOC: Awww, that's okay! :3 I understand. Is everything all right? o_o)


khaji_da June 27 2008, 18:37:34 UTC
Blue nodded his head. “One blue caramel apple, coming right up!” He exclaimed as he went and grabbed one for her. You could never go wrong with blue. He brought it back over to her and handed it off. “The blue ones are very good, though I am a little bias to the color myself..but let me know what you think of it!” The caramels weren’t selling all that great, but then gain, with such a giant selection, why would it?

“Did they make candy apples back in your world, Matsuri?” He placed his hands down on the counter of his stand. He knew they didn’t have carnivals or anything like that..since she didn’t know what Bumper cars were or even regular cars for that matter. Her world might not have been as technologically as the world he came from.

[ooc: Yep yep. <3 Everything is alright. It was just a really busy day.]


matsuri_of_suna July 1 2008, 14:58:24 UTC
"Thank you. And no, not that I know of," she replied with a slight shake of her head as she turned the caramel apple around in her grasp and looked at the blue surface curiously. There was only time to eat food that was quick on the go whenever she was on a mission, so she really couldn't be too picky about what she ate, as long as it had decent nutritional value. "Actually, I haven't seen very much food that's colored blue, heehee. Just some candy..."

During her tour around the carnival, Matsuri had seen quite a few rides that interested her because they consisted of foreign technology, like the bumper cars that she had no idea how to operate. The roller coasters looked very intimidating with their looming height and rapid speed, but she tried to hide her obvious trepidation whenever she neared one of those machines.

(OOC: I'm glad nothing bad happened. ^^ Now I'm sorry for MY late reply. X_x; I forgot about the KoF Tournament taking place in my other RP - and my character has to go to the finals for some big epic battle. Eek! Oh, btw, I hope Blue and Matsuri can go to the Danger Room soon? I'm itching to play Matsuri in a fighting situation. ^_^ Whenever you're available, hehe.)


khaji_da July 1 2008, 19:41:26 UTC
“Well you know, this at this place are different. I wouldn’t ne surprised if this castle turned someone blue one day.” This place could do amazing things like that. But as for the blue caramel apples..that could be done pretty easy. Just use a different kind of mix or add food coloring to the basic mix and you will get that end result. “So whats it like being a ninja? Do you guys ever really get any free time to just go around and enjoy stuff?”

Even he as a Superhero could get some time off. But that was only because the place that he protects doesn’t get attacked every five minutes, if it did, then he would be busy all the time and would probably be worrying ten times more about the place than he already is.

[ooc: <3 It's okay. KoF is awesome, btw~ I play the resident KoF Character here in Paradisa. And we will totally be doing the Danger Room sometime soon~]


matsuri_of_suna July 1 2008, 19:59:08 UTC
"Oh... you mean like a loss?" She tilted her head slightly to the side and tried to picture herself with all blue skin. That would certainly be an odd sight. It might suit Blue Beetle, but she would probably look very strange and get made fun of, like the way others used to tease her for having poor fashion sense and not dressing as chic as the social norm. So what if she liked bright colors?

"We're usually pretty busy with missions," the girl told him in-between bites of her sweet blue treat. "When we have time off, then we train. Sometimes, I like to read and do a few other fun things, but you never know when you might get assigned to a mission. We have to obey whatever our Kage asks us to do, of course."

(OOC: Yes, it is. :3 The comm is multi-fandom, but Kyo-mun coordinated a KoF tournament, and the character convinced mine to join too as a test of strength and all that other macho goodness, hehe. Ooh, who are you? We have a Kyo, Ash, K, Kula, and Yuki (Kyo's girlfriend) at my other comm.)


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