Who: Aerith {
gentlest} & Leon {
What: She just showed up and she wants to see him...and possibly check if he's okay.
When: TODAY February 12, after
thisWhere: First floor, the library + walking around the castle
Rating: ...idk. It'll be added in later.
Her first thought upon having actually found herself in a new place was to explore it, find out about every little nook and cranny it had. But the journal had caught her eye before she could do any of that and she had taken to figuring that out first. And then there was the fact that Leon was in the same place as her, as well. So her sense of optimism had just gone up a bit more from that simple fact.
As soon as he had told her where he was, she had left the room--all while accidentally leaving the journal open--and took to walking down the hall and the stairs. "The library on the first floor," she murmured to herself as she walked along. It shouldn't be that hard to find. Especially with Leon waiting outside of it.
But... A small frown creased her face as she continued along, arms at her side. Something about the way he had been talking to her over that journal was leading her to believe that him saying that it had just been the way he moved his arm was an excuse. She knew how he could be. If it was anything serious (or not-so-serious) Aerith could heal him. It wouldn't take at all that long.
Down on the first floor the young woman let her gaze sweep around everything that surrounded her until her eyes fell onto a more than familiar looking man. There was a half-run in her step as she moved towards him and a happy smile was on her lips. "Leon~!"