[Thread] They have issues

Feb 09, 2008 14:02

Who: Pete peterelli and Chris nottwiceblessed
What: They both have some... issues. Yeah
When: after this
Where: teh roof
Rating: A is for Angst/Avoidance/Awkwardness

Peter didn't sleep very well. And it wasn't because of the change in his room. He hadn't really been sleeping well ever since he got his memory back. In this case his mind was busy thinking about Chris. It was obvious something was bothering his friend... and even more obvious that they were both keeping something from each other. Peter just couldn't go up and ask Chris what the problem was, without having to admit to his own problems.

It was still really early in the morning. He knew Chris could take care of himslef, but that didn't stop Peter from worrying. It was just who he was to worry about the people he loved. He sighed, deciding since he wasn't going to get sleep anyway he should at least try to ease his mind about Chris. Peter closed his eyes, picturing the roof strongly in his mind, and teleported.

He opened his eyes again, and breathed a sigh of relief that he didn't end up right on top of the younger man. Teleporting had always been one of the harder powers for him to master. He took a deep breath, and prepared himself for... whatever was going to happen.

peter petrelli, chris perry halliwell

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