{thread} the moment i said it...

Jan 29, 2008 18:11

Who: Kairi (loving_light) and Riku (silverstung)
What: Riku tracks her down after he makes her cry /again/. -sigh-
When: Monday night/Tuesday morning?
Where: roof Near the city.
Rating: PG for themes of angst and squeaky.

He wasn't so sure about this.

Riku found some unique measure of calm anyway as he slipped out the door and started toward the town. At first, he wasn't sure Kairi could run off by herself like that, but it only took a moment for him to pick up Kairi's scent. He expected such a power to fade once regaining his old body, but apparently not; in fact, it'd only gotten more sensitive. Enough that he could get confused easily.

But the castle grounds were easy enough to track people in, especially with a clear scent like Kairi's. Scent? Well, it was more like vanilla-sweet-salty-soft. He ... couldn't really decide if it was smell or taste or touch or maybe all three. Whatever it was, it was distinctly Kairi, distinctly personal, and it was only through sheer will that he'd kept it from driving him crazy. A few of his mannerisms were still accustomed to the darkness, and being around a Princess of Heart blinded him at first.

Not to mention the glowing...

Now that it'd been four hours and five minutes-- yes, he'd counted-- Riku darted over hill and stone path to get to the town. No more than a shadow himself, and a spray of moon-silver hair, he took every major road he could find, and then started in on the side streets. Eventually he found himself climbing uphill again. Darkness would only cover him for a little while longer. He wanted to keep this as low-key as possible, considering it was his fault in the first place.

After an eternity it seemed, he spotted the faint glow of the girl he sought. Silent as could be, he paused a good fifty feet away.

"Kairi." Her name, snatched by the wind.

No, he wasn't sure at all.

kairi, riku

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