[Thread] [Shampoo and Kaiba Seto]

Jan 31, 2007 00:16

Who: Kaiba Seto (inexorabilis) and Shampoo (amazonianism)
What: More in the chronicles of Shampoo versus Other People's Showers. This time, she takes it up with Kaiba.
When: Sometime prior to her getting an actual room.
Where: Kaiba's room.
Rating: R for technical nudity and language. And catfights.

Another long, distracting, largely unproductive night had passed, and Shampoo felt positively under the weather. There was no seeming way home, there was no red haired Ranma, and there was still no room for simply her.

There was, however, an unlocked door, an empty room, and a very irate Shampoo. Actually, it was better for whoever's room this actually was to not be present at the moment - she wasn't feeling inclined to being forgiving if someone decided not to share as Shampoo felt was appropriate. Which, consequentially, was no one.

She took the time to neatly fold her dress before stepping into the shower, glad to be able to take a moment for herself. Well, technically, all these moments were hers, only she rarely stopped thinking long enough to appreciate the fact she was breathing and in good health. In fact, she didn't allow herself to think of anything outside of breathing as she let the water sluice over her face and down her shoulders, breathing in the stream of water as naturally as rain. It was early morning, a time in which either fokls were waking and beginning their days for no known reason, or when they were cursing, sweating, or dreaming. Shampoo currently belonged to the category of those who hadn't slept, and was slowly being lulled into a sense of complacency just standing where she was now.

Shampoo wondered how bad it would be just to fall asleep where she was right now.

shampoo, kaiba seto

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