
Oct 13, 2007 22:46

Who: Ophelia (ripplingophelia) and Clare (dieprissydie)
What: Two old friends get reacquainted.
When: Now.
Where: The woods.
Rating: PG-13, for violence?

It was almost too good to be true. Ophelia could hardly believe her luck -- two others from the organization arriving here in such quick succession, and one of them Clare? It had put a very firm smile on her face, and she grinned to herself even more widely as she made her way outside, going as fast as her legs could carry her. Down the stairs, onto the first floor, out through the front door and towards the woods; it felt like it took far too long for her to get there, though it took almost no time at all.

Her excitement built with every step, and by the time Ophelia arrived at the outskirts of the woods, she could barely contain it. "Clare!" she shouted, drawing her Claymore and doing her best not to release her Yoki so soon. "You'd better not make me wait!"

clare, ophelia

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