[Thread] [Shampoo and Ryou]

Jan 30, 2007 21:59

Who: Shampoo (amazonianism) and Ryou (fadeto_gray)
What: Shampoo, in the interem before she has a room, freely makes use of other people's rooms. Especially their showers. As Ryou is first to learn.
When: Sometime in the past week. She got around.
Where: Ryou's room.
Rating: R for technical nudity. And possibly language.

From what Shampoo could tell, it was a magical oversite that she'd been living under since her own arrival. While quite a few folk had appeared after her, complaining of being in rooms not their own, she liked to muse on the fact she herself had yet one which was actually hers. Being without a set area didn't much bother Shampoo - she was far too used to traveling to mind making do in a place of this size and comfort.

Still, she had to admit she was a bit envious of what passed as bathing chambers in the rooms. Perhaps a smidgen too much; but she was hardly going to let something as thin as propriety prevent her from enjoying a good bathing. Especially not after she'd found the closet filled with innumerable bathing supplies. She could admit to liking herself to be held to a certain standard of cleanliness and scent, and with the particulars of this scented shampoo she'd found, she could achieve those with pleasure.

And actually had, for the past half hour. The room's resident had been out at the time (she'd seen them leave), and so Shampoo had mosied on in and hadn't done anything more productive than scrub herself down since. Besides, with the sheer volume of hair she possessed, this process alone was time consuming. She hummed, turning her face into the water. Ahh, this was the life. Stolen moments in other people's showers.

shampoo, bakura ryou

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