Cat and Mouse \\ 'Cade and Sam

Sep 18, 2007 10:18

Who: Barricade and Sam
What: Barricade finally finds Sam and... well, you know the drill if you've seen the movie. X]
When: Today, nowish, this morning.
Where: In the 4th floor hallway mostly.
Rating: PG-13 at the least?

Barricade exited Lana's room where he had stayed in half power mode last night, allowing his battle scars to erase themselves. He knew exactly where he was going and this time he would make certain he found that annoying little organic. He stayed in alt mode as he almost literally flew down the stairs to the fourth floor hall.

He then raced to the fourth numbered door, not the entrance/exit-way of his prey, but close enough to keep a watchful optic on. He settled in nice and close, snuggling up as only a "toy" car can, half hidden in the small alcove of the doorway. He hoped to Cybertron that the resident of this room didn't decide to suddenly come out and trip over him, not that his senors wouldn't alert him ahead of time, but still he didn't need the interruption.

And then he sat and waited.


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