
Sep 09, 2007 07:12

Who: Squall and Selphie.
What: Resolution of Epic Fight II-or something like it.
When: Middle of very early morning, a while after this!
Where: Selphie's room if she lets him in.
Rating: PG-13 to be safe.

Squall hated this. He thought he'd never have to deal with this stupid feeling in his stomach ever again. But…

He slammed the journal shut and tossed it away, not caring that it nearly knocked over one of the lamps. Patch jerked awake with a startled snort and immediately looked at him.

"Go back to sleep," Squall muttered and slid out of bed.

Patch stayed but watched him restlessly move around the room.

It wasn't as if he'd wanted to fight. And it had been the worst possible time. Yet how else was he supposed to have reacted with the fact of Rinoa's disappearance weighing down his conscience? She'd left while disliking him, if not outright hating him. If she hadn't, maybe-

Who was he kidding? They never could have become friends, no matter how much Squall had been warming to the idea. There would always be something lost between them, something he couldn't remember (and wouldn't accept). The ring on his finger attested to that.

Now he was-what? Alienating another person who cared about him?

The three of them had been locked up for hours and all he could think about was: If Rinoa had left, any of them could. Of course he knew this before, but for someone he knew to be so easily taken away… Who could be next?

Laguna. Seifer (damn him). Selphie…

I can't stand this!

Squall only paused long enough to step into his boots. Everything else-jacket, gloves, belts-was left behind with a bemused Patch. He exited his room, letting it click shut, and strode toward Selphie's room. He pounded the door twice with a fist before he could stop himself.

selphie tilmitt, squall leonhart

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