
Jul 21, 2007 02:09

Who: Kyle and Selphie
What: Open the can with fish on it! D:
When: Tonight!
Where: Kitchen!
Rating: Likely G. Or XC for excessive cuteness. :<

Catfooooood. )

selphie tilmitt, kyle

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anewlingo July 21 2007, 08:19:00 UTC
Selphie was all but skipping to the kitchen. The moment the journal had picked up the cute little kitty voice, Selphie had been more than curious as to how Kyle looked. Did he look like a normal kitty? Would he be magical? Would he be not as cute as she imagined?

Oh well. There was no way to find out except for going into the kitchen and... finding out. Selphie pushed open the kitchen door, looked around, and then--

"AHH! You're so cute!!" She gasped, jumping a little and pointing at the cat on the floor. The girl ran over to him and crouched, eyes wide with adoration. Sure, she had a puppy back in her room--come to think of it, Pickle probably wouldn't like the smell of cat--but Kyle was just adorable. "Hi there!"


onawingandapurr July 21 2007, 08:26:42 UTC
Well, she was wearing yellow, and she was kind of cute, even if her hair was a little weird. Though, in his flight around the castle earlier that afternoon, he'd seen much weirder. And bluer. Blehhhh, his fur stood up just thinking about it...

But anyway, this must be... the girl. Come to think of it, he didn't know her name. His tail swished again and curled and he tipped his head. "Hi, thank you for helping me! I don't think I know your name, though..."


anewlingo July 21 2007, 08:43:52 UTC
"I'm Selphie!" She replied happily, reaching a hand out to pet the cat on the top of his head. It was only after that she realized that Kyle might not like to be treated like a cat, even if he was one. Oops! She would apologize if he freaked out, but she really couldn't help it. He was a cute kitty!

Looking about them, Selphie spotted the abandoned can with the fish on the side. With very little effort she grabbed it, linked her finger through the pull tab, and popped the metallic lid off. "Here you go," she said, nose wrinkling as she caught a whiff of the fish. Gross...


onawingandapurr July 21 2007, 08:48:04 UTC
"Okay. Selphie." Kyle had been in cat form for so long, the petting didn't bother him in the least. It probably wouldn't have bothered him in human form either. He purred happily.

And with equal happiness he welcomed the opened can. Granted it wasn't great fish, but it was something, and he was starved. "Thank you thank you thank you!" he chimed before burrowing his nose in the can.


anewlingo July 21 2007, 09:04:09 UTC
A giggle came from Selphie when she saw that Kyle liked the petting. He wasn't strange at all! Just a talking cat.

"You're welcome!" Selphie smiled and watched him eat the smelly fish with some fascination. It would be very easy, she thought, to just take him and keep him. However, she knew that Squall would probably not approve. Not that she needed his approval or anything, but he was still technically her commander and higher in rank. Or maybe she just didn't want to deal with the "..." look before being told she couldn't have two pets, especially one that talked...

Selphie shifted a little. "... so, a talking cat, huh?"


onawingandapurr July 21 2007, 09:09:13 UTC
A typical cat, Kyle ate about a fourth of the can before some inner command told him to stop. He'd have to figure out a way to take the rest with him to his room, because he'd probably get hungry again in an hour.

He nodded to her question and licked his paw, answering as he cleaned himself off. "Well. Kinda. It looks like I'm stuck, anyway." He smoothed an ear with his freshly cleaned paw. "I used to be like a human."


anewlingo July 21 2007, 09:17:21 UTC
"Not going to finish it?" Selphie asked, peering down into the can. She wasn't used to dealing with felines. Her puppy, when given food, barely let it hit the bowl before it was gone.

Selphie frowned. Oh, so that was what he meant about changing... "That's horrible! But if you used to be able to change, and can't here... it's probably this place. Everyone loses something here."

She didn't feel like mentioning that everyone had gotten that something back for a little bit, only for it to be taken again. For once, Selphie was glad a lot of new people were showing up. Sure, it meant they were stuck like everyone else, but at least it got her mind off of the depressing stuff.


onawingandapurr July 21 2007, 09:23:02 UTC
"I will! Cat tummies don't handle much at once, though. I'll get sick if I don't wait." There had been a few miserable days when Kyle had ignored that voice, back when he was just getting used to his feline form. He had no plans to repeat them. Hairballs were bad enough...

"Well, I've been like this for long time, too, so it might just take me a while to learn to change again..." It had been, what, three years? About that. He'd spent maybe ten minutes total in his human form over that time. "I had to stay like this around hime-sama."


anewlingo July 21 2007, 09:37:47 UTC
"Oooooh," Selphie nodded in understanding. That kind of sucked! She sure was glad humans didn't have to wait. She'd probably never be well.

There was that little note of optimism that people still tried to hold on to when they first realized something was wrong. Selphie remembered that, too--of course she could remember her childhood, right? She just needed some time to think about it.

"Maybe!" Selphie said, still smiling. "Just keep trying for a while! Maybe you'll turn back." She wondered what Kyle would look like as a human. "How come you had to be a cat?"


onawingandapurr July 21 2007, 09:43:48 UTC
He'd just have to keep working at it, that was all! Being a cat was more difficult than he realized, without anyone to take care of him. Maybe after a few nights rest, when he got used to this place... He'd been a really good shifter! It had been effortless! He'd be able to change again...

"Oh, well..." Not his favorite subject in the world. "Hime-sama didn't know I could change. The king had me watch her so she didn't get in trouble again."


anewlingo July 21 2007, 09:59:53 UTC
Aww, poor kitty looked sad! Selphie gave Kyle a scratch behind the ear, since he didn't seem to hate the petting before. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to get his hopes up, but it wouldn't be good to shoot them down, either. But being stuck as a cat... Selphie imagined it would be fun for a while, but how would you play Triple Triad or fight or pilot a ship?

"Oh, so you were a guardian! That's a really good thing to be!" Selphie said happily, trying to sound especially upbeat.


onawingandapurr July 21 2007, 10:05:21 UTC
"Kind of a guardian, kind of a spy." He felt a little low in admitting this, but it was by the king's orders. He hadn't had much of a choice in the matter...

Ah! The ear, she found the spot behind the ear! Kyle contorted himself involuntarily to get the optimal amount of scratchage, purring like crazy all the while. Ashe had always used that spot to her advantage, and Kyle had helplessly agreed to do anything so long as she kept scratching him there!

He was a purring puddle of kitty pudding in Selphie's hands so long as she kept scratching.


anewlingo July 21 2007, 10:22:01 UTC
"I see," Selphie said, and didn't think much of it. Things like that didn't bother her. Seifer was a traitor, but that hadn't really been his fault. And he seemed friendly enough now, so why hold grudges? Besides, she doubted Kyle was capable of anything too bad. Spying? There was worse.

Laughing, Selphie continued to scratch Kyle behind the ear. Cats really were adorable. "That feel good?" As if it weren't obvious.


onawingandapurr July 21 2007, 17:15:14 UTC
Of course Kyle felt dreadful about it, which was likely the reason he was so attached to his "hime-sama." He'd thought the initial guilt would fade after so many years, but instead it had remained, disguising itself in other feelings. He still felt a pang of regret every time he thought of her situation. She'd be of age to choose a husband soon, and the one she'd wanted a few years back wouldn't be a candidate.

Of course, these thoughts were the furthest from Kyle's mind at the moment. In fact, his mind wasn't really working at the moment beyond "oh, scratchy scratchy we likes the scratchy scratchy~!"

He mewed and purred in response.


anewlingo July 22 2007, 00:34:40 UTC
Once, Selphie thought the moomba she had seen in prison was the cutest thing she had ever seen. Then she got her puppy, and then... well, Kyle was making it very hard not to totally forget she had a pet already.

"You're just adorable!" She squealed a little and decided to stop with the scratching. Her fingers were starting to get tired. It seemed like Kyle would have let her do that all day or something.


onawingandapurr July 30 2007, 18:39:29 UTC
A few years ago, a younger Kyle would have likely winced at her claims that he was adorable. Granted he'd never been terribly masculine, but the fact that his classmates and shifter friends had turned into tougher things like tigers and bears and wolves and he turned into a little cat with wings was a bit humiliating. That is, until his cute form was of use to the demon king for spying on his trouble-making daughter... Now Kyle was used to being cooed at. And if it meant more ear-scratches, hey, he was not complaining.

Instead he rubbed against her legs with a purr. "Thank you for helping me, Selphie. I really appreciate it!"


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