Log [Itachi & Schuldig]

Jul 13, 2007 21:31

Who Itachi and Schuldig.
What Itachi decides to get revenge for that one time when Schuldig messed with him, now that he's got his powers back.
Where Library.
When This morning.
Rating PG, I think.

Schuldig hadn't taken particular notice when Itachi had died. After the kunai incident, he'd take the ninja's silence to mean that he wasn't in danger of being killed anytime soon, and in fact he'd completely forgotten just about everything that made Itachi threatening.

That was why, three weeks later, he saw no reason he shouldn't wander into the library.

It was conspicuously empty, for whatever reason, and that was a pleasant change. He had nothing to do; he was drifting in and out of the stacks, pulling out books that caught his eye and leaving them on the floor or on top of other books, completely unsuspecting.

Itachi had been awake for only a little while now, back from the dead. It was a disappointment, almost, how boring it had been. But he had come to find, after careful review, that he wasn't missing .. well .. anything. An unusual turn in his 'experiment', but he was thankful for it. For once, the castle hadn't messed things up, it seemed.

And another thing that was the same - his powers. His powers were most definitely back to normal, as he had determined by careful testing as soon as he was able to get up and walk around again. A pleasant surprise, though if they hadn't been returned he would have been sorely disappointed. A waste of three weeks, that's what it would have been. But no, he was fortunate to have everything intact.

And another thing that he was glad to have intact - the library. He had spent most of his time there before he had died; of course he would return there as soon as he could after he was alive again. Yachiru and her ice cream would have to wait for a bit. He rounded the corner into the library, ears picking up the sound of at least one other person within the room as well. Oh well, as long as they didn't bother him, he had no problem with it. He began to head back to the furthest shelf from the door, before spotting a certain person that he wasn't very fond of. Schuldig, his mind told him automatically, fully aware that Schuldig would most likely hear that if he hadn't noticed his presence already.

The second and third floors were full of thoughts; some loud and persistent, others content to keep to themselves. They made up a constant stream in Schuldig's mind, muddy and indistinct, mostly, with patches of clarity here and there where someone thought something with a little more force. Certain thoughts, however, always made him pay attention: one was bomb, for instance; another was the name of his team.

The most important one was Schuldig. He had to know when someone wanted his attention, or when someone was planning an attack.

He latched onto the only other mind in the room and got a name: Itachi. And he wasn't in a friendly mood.

Out of instinct and perhaps a little bad luck, Schuldig turned to look at him.

It was almost too easy ... getting revenge for that little kissing incident, that is. After all, there was no way Schuldig would be able to figure out how dangerous eye contact was before he could obtain it. He wouldn't do anything too fatal to him -- just a little sample of how dangerous he could be when the castle didn't decide to mess with him.

Itachi stared back, eyes red and the irises almost spinning in a hypnotic manner. Now to find something that Schuldig would dislike reliving ...

Suddenly the castle vanished. Schuldig looked around wildly for any sign of it, but he recognized the room he was in all too well. He had almost died here.

He shook his head. This had already happened; he knew how it would turn out. His teammates were engaged in their own little battles around him, and he was instantly aware of a sharp pain in his neck, a lack of breath; there was a man behind him and a wire wrapped around his throat.

And Itachi.

He blinked hard, struggling with the wire at the same time, but no--Itachi was still there. Just standing, out of place and unnoticed by anyone else.

The floor buckled beneath him and he fell; his would-be killer let go of the wire in his surprise. It was a long fall, and hitting the lake under the crumbling building was like hitting rock; Schuldig gasped in a mouthful of water. He was sinking with the rubble around him, dragged down by it, and it was cold and dark, and no one was going to help him this time. The people who could have were nowhere to be seen, and all he could hear in his head was panic; he couldn't tell if it was his or someone else's.

He remembered this part very well: the pain of having nothing left to breath; the writhing panic of needing air and having no way to get it. But it didn't end then, either with him dying or with anyone rescuing him; the pain and the terror continued, and after what seemed like hours, the only thing he could think was stop stop stop, which gave way to just let me die.

Itachi observed all of this carefully, taking note of every detail in case he would have to mention it again. Schuldig was lucky -- He wasn't being stabbed like he had done to Kakashi. And this wasn't about too last all 72 hours like it was supposed to - Itachi had better things to do, and limited chakra to do it with. He let it go for a little while longer, reminding himself of the reversed color these visions usually had. It seemed like forever since he had last used Mangekyou.

"Schuldig", he called out, switching the vision to suddenly being in the middle of nothingness, a few presumably dead bodies scattered around the immediate area. An ominous red moon hung high above them, and Itachi took a step closer. "You'll have to excuse me - it took me quite awhile to obtain the necessary material to pay you back for that incident earlier." He paused, tucking a loose part of his bangs behind his ear. "I'm sure you recall what I mean."

Schuldig coughed weakly. He could still feel the water all around him, it seemed, and he didn't feel like moving. He glared at Itachi and considered saying 'it was worth it' (it wasn't), but he kept quiet for a moment instead. "This is extremely uneven payback," he muttered finally. His gaze drifted to the bodies and the red moon. He had to remember all of it for later, since he fully intended to turn Itachi's skill back on him--or imitate it to the best of his ability, at any rate.

But not now, and not anytime soon. He was going to slink away from this like a kicked dog and let Itachi think about other things and other people, and hopefully forget about him.

A small, sinister smirk crossed Itachi's face. "It's called paying back with interest, Schuldig. I rather dislike it when I do things I wasn't intending to do." He stared for a moment at the other man, wondering briefly if his mind-reading powers would be effective even within the illusion. Powers did not work with the other shinobi he had faced, but perhaps interdimensional opponents were different.

"Consider yourself lucky." A soft wind crossed through the empty area. "Many have died at the hands of this technique, but you will not be one of them."

"Gee, thanks a bunch," Schuldig retorted.

At least, he supposed, he'd been able to see what Itachi was capable of firsthand.

Now he knew for sure that he wanted those eyes, even if he wasn't sure how or to what end.

"I promise not to piss you off anymore," he added irritably, "now let me the fuck out of here."

How boring. At least he had the will to be irritated after that, though. Itachi simply blinked, the vision disappearing and the library in regular color reappearing in front of them. "You're welcome," he replied, eyes narrowing. He tensed slightly, waiting for some type of counterattack, as he began his walk in the opposite direction.

Schuldig leaned heavily against one of the bookshelves with a nearly inaudible sigh and watched him go. He had his gun on him, like always, but he knew it wouldn't be a good idea to try that. He was too drained and shaken to bother doing anything in retaliation, anyway.

Instead he waited until Itachi had gone, and then lurched into the kitchen for some alcohol. He suspected he'd need some to bounce back from this.

uchiha itachi, schuldig

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