[Thread] Best Babysitter in the World

Jun 18, 2007 21:46

Who: Kid!Kaylee (sunshinymech) and ..Kid!Flash? (impulsities)
What: a 4 year old babysits a 5 year old (and expects to be paid, dammit!)
When: Either the first or second day of her loss (backdating ftw!)
Where: Kaylee's room, game room, maybe Bart's room, everywhere lolz
Rating: PG? (srsly...)

No really, I'm..uh.... 16! )

bart allen, kaylee frye

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sunshinymech June 20 2007, 08:34:45 UTC
"Yay, thaaanks Bart!" she said, happily taking the juicebox back and taking a drink from it. Why were those little straws so difficult sometimes anyway? She went back to chewing on her now crust-less sandwich, the torn off crusts discarded off to one side of her floor pillow in a pile ( ... )


impulsities June 21 2007, 04:35:20 UTC
"Welcome!" Bart grinned, before grabbing a juicebox for himself. He wasn't sure what it was about them, but juice just totally tasted better in a cardboard box.

Then she mentioned the race again and he blinked, looking back at the TV which was currently stuck in a loop of his victory. "Heck yeah we're gonna race again!!!" he said, suddenly fired up all over again before he zipped over to his place on the floor.

"Let's go let's go!!" Except Kaylee wasn't ready yet. She was drinking. He stuffed a handful of chips into his mouth and then thought a moment. In that time, the juice box exploded a bit onto Kaylee's fingers and he got it.

"AMMO LINE." he said, moving at his superspeed to set up a long line of already-prepared juice boxes for her to drink as she would. "There ya go!" Let's race now." All in a day's work.


sunshinymech June 21 2007, 06:47:14 UTC
Kaylee had just started sipping at the exploding juice box, having finished getting all juice when all of a sudden there was a long line of prepared juice boxes by her. Whoa. That was so COOL!

"Yay juice boxes!" She poked at one. "All in a row. Thaaaaanks Bart!" Obviously he had done it because who else could do all of that so fast?

She quickly shoved the last bit of sandwich in her mouth and chewed fast while reaching for her controller. A swallow, sip of juice box, some wiggling on the floor pillow and she was so ready to race again.

"Okay race now, race now!" She didn't know how to get the race started so she just sat waiting for Bart to set it up again. In that time she glanced down at the controller to find the button to make her car go so she could have her finger ready to mash it down.


impulsities June 21 2007, 07:18:59 UTC
Bart just drank all that praise in. Not that he was egotistical, but it wasn't something he got a whole lot of back home. He was one of those people whose good intentions were often overshadowed by his impulsive tendencies. "Anytime!" he positively beamed.

Stuffing another mouthful of food in his face, he slumped forward again and prepared them for the next race.

"Ready to go? Wait for the voice again!" he reminded her, before he pushed the start button.


And they were off again.


sunshinymech June 21 2007, 08:49:08 UTC
"The voice that says go!" she added to his reminder. G-O. She still remembered it from the first race because hey, it was two letters. It would take a lot more distractions than the food to get her to forget that all-important word.


Her finger mashed down on the button and her car was off again. Unlike last time where her car went off track spectacularly on the first turn, this time she only went somewhat off track. Not too bad. Steering at high speeds was tough business anyway.

Bart was obviously ahead in the race but she kept right on going at it and by the second turn she was moving her body side to side a bit too. The view on her half of the screen sort of vaguely reminded her of the view on Serenity's bridge when Wash was pulling off some daring flying. Those images of the past left quick when she spun-out.

"Oops." Bit of work and she was back on again. No biggie. "Zoom zoom."


impulsities June 22 2007, 01:17:44 UTC
Bart's finger mashed down as well, and needless to say, he had a much better start than Kaylee, but it was to be expected. If she was having fun, that was good enough for him. Of course he'd be perfectly willing to stop the game in favor of something more fun too. She need only ask.

He grinned a bit when she spun-out. "Yep, oops." he agreed, swaying a bit as his car took a sharp turn. "Zoom zoom, vroooooooooooooom~!" he went right along with the toddler and made car noises, because everyone knew that made it even better. He even when "URRRRRRCH!" when he spun-out a bit himself.

Racing slow and making car sounds could only keep the attention span of a 4-year-old speedster for so long though, and before long, he was zipping between his controller and the pile of oh-so-delicious foods behind them.


sunshinymech June 22 2007, 06:38:22 UTC
Kaylee giggled and nearly took her finger off the button when Bart made the noise when he spun-out a bit. So of course when she spun-out again she made the same noise in her little voice.

"Yay!" The race was over and ... all right so Bart won (no surprises there) but she thought she had done very well considering she didn't abandon it like before. That was a big accomplishment right there.

She did however set down the controller in favor of a cookie and one of the ammo line juice boxes. The second race was fun but there was only so many times she wanted to drive a blue car in a loop.

"New game?" Maybe Bart could find something new and fun for them to do next. After all, they had enough food to keep them going for awhile.


impulsities June 22 2007, 08:04:05 UTC
Bart seemed rather pleased that he taught Kaylee a new noise, and then proceeded to be even more pleased that he won the race. Of course, he'd been expecting that, but oh well. Wins were wins.

"New game? Sure!" But the question was, which one? So many choices. He had to think of one that a 5 year old could play with ease too. There was always fighting games. Button-mashing could get you places.

That might teach her some things he actually didn't want to be responsible for. "How about space invaders!" Like that was totally better.


sunshinymech June 22 2007, 08:32:40 UTC
"Ooooo space invaders okay!" It had the word 'space' in it and therefore it was fine by Kaylee. Plus Bart knew what he was doing after all. "Am I gonna have a ship now? I know ships!"

She was very proud of that fact too and it showed on her face.

Since he obviously had to do something to get their new game on the TV she settled more onto the floor pillow and went back to eating chips and cookies, pausing to have more from a juice box. She did get up for a minute to bring more of the food to her little area. That way she'd have it all ready to eat between games again.


impulsities June 26 2007, 00:05:12 UTC
"You bet you're gonna have a ship!" Bart exclaimed, reaching for the video game so he could switch the racing one out and put the space invaders one in. Personally, these were his favourite types of games.

He really liked the way she thought with that little pile of food closer to her reach. Not like he couldn't just zip over, but why do that when it could be even easier?

Following her lead, he made a nice little stack of food in his own little place.

"Ready? In this one, all you gotta do is move that little knobby stick around to steer, and that same button as before to shoot at the bad guys okay?"


sunshinymech June 26 2007, 04:46:54 UTC
"Yaaaay a ship." She did love ships, space ships that is. Well, exceptions were made for Alliance-controlled ships of course.

She was happy he had followed suit and created his own stack of food. Now they could both eat between games and be happy (and well ... completely stuffed with junk food, at least on her end).

At his comment about the controls of this new game she looked down at the controller. Knobby stick - check. Move it to move the ship. Just like the car! And the same button that made the car move - that one - would shoot at the baddies.

Kaylee didn't like the baddies. Maybe these baddies were Alliance because it was in space.

"Okay!" She said after her studying of the controller. "Ready!"


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