
May 21, 2007 00:53

Who: Aang, Azula, Zuko, Katara, Toph, Yue, Iroh, Ty Lee, Sokka, Suki, Julian, avatar!Haru
What: Final Battle PART THREE (last part)
When: Earlier this afternoon
Where: Outside
Rating: PG-13

toph bei fong, azula, ty lee, avatar!haru, iroh, aang, hellion, katara, yue, sokka, zuko, suki

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ponzis_ruin May 21 2007, 05:01:57 UTC
[ Zuko and Katara ]


benevolently May 21 2007, 08:22:48 UTC
Katara couldn't remember how long she had been knocked out. Her body laid still and unmoving on the cold ground, but being a waterbender.. She subconsciously soaked up water from the grass and rain, and miraculously healed herself after having been struck by lightning. That's right! He-

".. Zuko?!" she cried out, sitting up abruptly, pressing a hand to her head from the sudden movement. She was a little dizzy, and waited to refocus before she glanced around at her surroundings. Something had triggered Aang to go into the Avatar State! It was raining a lot now ..

She was soaked and there was a lot of damage.

Katara winced as she tried to stand.. Her body was far too weak. "Aang! Aang.." she tried to call out to him, but her voice couldn't reach him. She had to calm him somehow!


flameinexile May 21 2007, 23:40:35 UTC
Zuko's head snapped over to the weak waterbender when his name was uttered. Had she completely forgotten? How sad! He chuckled darkly, completely unlike his usual soft timbre of voice before he stood before the waterbender with an amused smirk on his face.

"Did you pass out?" he asked with a soft tone of voice, looking at her with mock worry. "Because you should have stayed out longer!" he said with anger, a line of fire drawn from his head to hips to begin a firewhip.


benevolently May 22 2007, 01:05:22 UTC
Katara turned when she heard Zuko speaking to her, and even though his voice was soft, his eyes were taunting her. She gasped and rolled out of the way when he began to form that firewhip, immediately standing up... But Katara had more important things to worry about than fighting Zuko now.

"Out of my way, Zuko!" She shot her arm in his direction, sending a powerful wave of water. She exhaled and the water froze, encasing his legs in ice as she ran past him. Katara didn't bother looking back at him. She just kept running as much as her legs allowed, towards the Avatar.

Aang needed her.


flameinexile May 22 2007, 02:08:01 UTC
Zuko scowled at the water entrapping him, before he blew at them, fire springing from his lips as he glared, lashing out with his firewhip towards her at the same time.

"Don't Ignore me!!" he cried, glaring at her darkly, before the firewhip dissipated in his hands, and was replaced by an arcing pattern of lightning towards the waterbender.


benevolently May 22 2007, 02:49:30 UTC
His firewhip barely lashed her shoulder, but it still hurt, and Katara cried as she grasped where he hit her. She spun around to see he managed to break through the ice, and Zuko refused to let her just run off like that.

She panicked when he began directing the lightning at her again.. It scared her to think how powerful he really grew. How was this going to end? Katara had someone to protect though, and she wasn't going to let Zuko stop her. Thankful for the rain, she pushed both of her hands forward, and blocked the lightning with water before it hit her.

"Aang will destroy everything if I don't go! This is stupid! You're stupid!" she screamed, and for the moment, she didn't care how harsh her words were. Katara nearly choked up when the words echoed through her mind.. It was hard to believe she once cared about him, but he made his choice.


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