[Thread] Surfacing

May 11, 2007 12:57

Who: Ruby (
notsomuchakitty) and Henry (
What: Ruby sniffs out a person she hasn't sniffed in a while
When: Friday, early afternoon
Where: The roof of the castle
Rating: Standard PG-13 rating since Henry's in it and his mun has a potty mouth XD

The last day had passed as if he were underwater, or in a particularly vivid but surreal dream.  He'd exhausted himself the other day, no doubt about that, and ever since then he'd been feeling the effects of it. People in the castle seemed to move in random jerks and starts, one second moving languidly and lazily, the next jumping ahead though he hadn't even seen them move. Whole sections of the day seemed to be missing, while others he could remember with almost startling precision.

He thought that for a while there someone might've been talking to him. The fog in his head wouldn't even let him process the thought right away, though, and replying had been out of the question. Another time he thought there was a boy looking at him--actually at him, not just through him--but by the time he'd thought to try to react the boy was gone. Had he just vanished, or was Henry so out of it that he hadn't seen him leave?

Or was he even there in the first place?

Finally he'd resigned himself to sitting on the roof again. It was a decent enough place to be alone, and he was most assuredly that.

He sat there all night, as he wasn't able to sleep anymore, staring out at the city and the landscape below Cair Paradisa. For a while he tried thinking, about this or that, but aside from a few pleasant memories of the last real encounter he'd had with another person all he ended up thinking about was the Other World. Eileen. The Victims. He didn't want to think about them, the pain was still too fresh. Those memories were ones he could've done without for the rest of his life. They kept intruding, though, worming their way into his thoughts without being asked.

Gradually, however, the thoughts slowed and eventually ceased. By midnight he was simply sitting out on a peak of the roof, far out from where a normal person would feel comfortable climbing to, staring out at the world blankly.

Henry sat this way for a long time, almost completely unaware of his surroundings. Existing and nothing more.

When his body finally returned sometime around eleven o'clock Friday morning he barely noticed. He wouldn't have noticed at all, really, except for the fact that for a brief moment in time he'd forgotten how to breathe.

henry townshend, ruby

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