[Thread] Not Just an Ordinary Day

May 10, 2007 00:56

Who: Kaylee (sunshinymech) and Drizzt (dawn_hunter)
What: Kaylee gets an unexpected visit and a few surprises
When: afternoon, after this log
Where: Kaylee's room, 1811
Rating: PG

Kaylee sat on her bed, body swaying slightly to the music coming from the system she had received as a gift. She had loosely pulled her hair back and had tied the arms of her flight suit around her waist, a bit of midsection peeking out from between the suit and her shirt. Earlier she had been doing a bit of tinkering on what had once been part of a motorcycle engine, hence the flight suit. It had been habit that caused her to still dress how she did while doing her tinkering and such.

After breaking for lunch she had decided to stop the tinkering for a bit and read more of the book on tea she had picked up at the library. It really was an interesting book and she was getting plenty of new ideas for future potential tea parties.

The last time she had been looking through this book was in the library, where she believed Henry had somehow given her a kiss on the forehead. She smiled at the thought. At least she felt better knowing, in a way, that he really was alright.

One hand raised up to fiddle with the unicorn pendant necklace she wore as she continued reading on about one of the white tea varieties. Her reading was interrupted suddenly by what sounded like a knock on the door. Wait ... what?

Weird. No one had told her they were coming over today. She got off her bed, leaving the tea book open on it, and crossed to her sound system. One press of the off button and her room was silent.

And that really was knocking on her door.

Kaylee walked carefully past her worktable (wouldn't be good to get anything stuck in one of her bare feet) and to the door. She opened it. Huh. Well this was really unexpected.

"Heya Drizzt!"

drizzt do'urden, kaylee frye

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